Quote This for Truth, Bitch

Two More Things That Are Driving Me Closer To A Homicidal Rage:

1. Quoted for truth. This message board technique must have been released in a “Posting to Crush” pamphlet somewhere because now it’s like a plague of locusts.

Example usage: User quotes a snip from the original or subsequent messages and then writes, in a rather solemn tone, “quoted for truth.” Thank you for pointing out the one salient and truthful point in this thread, you pretentious piece of garbage.

Q4T was mildly interesting the first time I read it, oh … about TWO YEARS AGO, but it’s overuse factor is rivaling “I’m Rick James, bitch.” Enough already. It was amusing, entertaining, interesting once, twice, maybe 6 times, but not dozens.

The same applies to any references to Napoleon Dynamite dialogue, especially IN GAME Napoleon Dynamite dialogue. Flippin’ idiots.

2. Retards and Fags, Probably Homos Too. If you’re using the insults “retard”, “fags”, and/or “homos” as part of your daily vocabulary, I got some news for you: the rest of us haven’t used those words since middle school. We discovered a whole world of more devastating insults.

Even “fucking idiot” is more imaginative than “retard”. Jesus, make up some acronyms if you’re drawing a blank, but the retard/fag/homo trio only wounds seventh graders.

You want to insult the big boys, better bring your A game, pathetic puke.

8 thoughts on “Quote This for Truth, Bitch

  1. Q4T was mildly interesting the first time I read it, oh … about TWO YEARS AGO, but it’s overuse factor is rivaling ‘I’m Rick James, bitch.’ Enough already. It was amusing, entertaining, interesting once, twice, maybe 6 times, but not dozens.

    quoted for truth

  2. “4tw” is the most annoying saying of all time.

    everytime i read that i find a child to punch right in the mouth. so next time you think of saying that faggy phrase i hope you picture a little kid shitting his teeth for days.

  3. SomethingAwful’s forum mods will give you a 1 day suspension for quoting for truth, for a first offense. I think if you’re aggressive about it it will earn you a ban.

  4. Yup, UnionCarbide has it right – the SA mods smack down the catchphrase crap. Meh, it’s kids who want to “fit in” who spout the same cliche crap, no matter what forum, online or otherwise.

    So it just makes it easier to find the wannabes.

  5. Due to the fact that the word fag is reclaimed for myself I find to be postive and not negative in conitation but then agien I could just be a silly Fag!

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