Store Wars

Not long ago in a supermarket not so far away … Grocery Store Wars. Slickly-produced animated spoof of the REAL Star™ Wars™ (umm, lemme count … 1, 2, not out, 4!), Episode 4. Leans towards the paranoid in promoting organic foods, but hell, this is a propaganda piece.

Bugspray on food isn’t wholesome, but I’d rather have bugs? Oh. And I don’t want to pay too much for my food either, so if the farm industry could just remember to do that from now on, that’d be greaaaaaaat.

Other Star™ Wars™ bits: I’m hoping in this 3rd episode that someone takes the Jedi to task for letting that spoiled little bitch, Anakin, spiral out of control. Nice prescreen job on that.

Are you like me? Do you have no idea how to spell Anakin (Annakin? Anaken?) unless you use a cheat sheet? Are you a little off your game when trying to discuss the dozens of minor characters in Star Wars Lore™? (And really, why would you?) Do like I do and cheat: Star Wars Character databank.

Finally, the best promo for Episode 3: Revenge of the Loose Ends, NO QUESTION, is the Burger King ad. You know the series … where the guy opens his curtains, the King is standing in his backyard, he wakes up next to the King, he answers the door and there’s the King. Creepy.

Best promo, Darth Vader running into the creepy King.

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