WoW Enters Adolescence

The World of Warcraft community is maturing.

Originally, I was going to lead off with: The Warcraft community is maturing nicely. Then, a few more days into my triumphant return to Warcraft I realized that not all of the maturation is nice, but it still qualifies as maturation … inevitable, long overdue some might say, but not entirely nice.

Backtracking quickly: I went to play Guild Wars for a few months after release and very recently, I returned to World of Warcraft for a change of gaming pace. I spent a few hours the first day back just re-memorizing my UI and what skills/spells I had or still lacked, where the hell did all my craft materials go, goddamn I’ll need more money soon, bla bla — you know how it is when you leave a game for an extended period. I can’t be grouping or raiding until I have my mojo back, ffs. That would be embarassing AND dangerous.

Next few hours, I shopped around for a group or raid to join with the guildmates and a few strangers, and I was pleasantly surprised. Ya. Me. Surprised. And pleasantly.

Somehow, in my absence and with no further instruction from me, it seemed the entire server has learned some of the gaming fundamentals: winky dink casters stand BEHIND the warriors, rogues watch their own bacon, priests ditch aggro early and often, paladins aren’t wading into piles of elite mobs, the good news just kept on a’coming.

In fact, I had several groups and raids IN A ROW that were smashing successes.

This could not last.

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BlizzCon — more details on the aforementioned All Things Blizzard-Con: to be held October 28 – 29, 2005 at the Anaheim Convention Center, which is right next to (wait for it … wait for it …) Disneyland! BlizzCon scored a product placement with the Disney Collective! Tickets on sale July 21st.


… and we’re back.

I don’t like to take vacations from gaming. First of all, when I get back, everyone’s raced ahead of me in gear, quests and money. Unless you have bragging rights, where’s the fun in the MMO grind? (exactly.)

Secondly, there’s this running bit in my guild whenever anyone is gone for a few days, we accuse them of perpetrating any and all crimes that were in the news during their absence. After all, if they were innocent, they would have had time to log on each night.

It’s the whole internet anonymity thing. You could have a felon in your guild and you’d be none the wiser unless he (or she!) was arrested during a guild raid. Even then, no one would believe there had been an arrest — everyone would just assume the idiot wanted to get to bed or duck a raid and was making that arrest shit up.

Which brings me to this well spun yarn that’s been making the rounds in the reblogging world: and CGW’s “Wage Slaves”. Since everyone and his hardcore grandma have discussed and linked the thing, you’ve probably already read it. But if not, go ahead and read it, I’ll wait.

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