The Burning Crusade Faction Game

One of the most asked questions in World of Warcraft, post-Burning Crusade, besides “where’s traitor’s cove?” and “any healers wanna go to ramparts?”, is which faction to choose in iShatt City, Aldor or Scryer?

Since I don’t trust my guildmates with anything so important as a faction choice — they would think it was hilarious for someone to choose unwisely, as would I — WoWWiki to the rescue! If only we had wikis in the old EverQuest days, I wouldn’t have two notebooks full of notes and quest printouts.

Anyways, there’s a great table on the Aldor vs Scryer page to aid neutrals in choosing. (As stated on the page, a table is no substitute for looking at the available rewards and deciding yourself.)

Also, from the General forums, a rare spawn, the informative thread: “A Guide to Aldor and Scryer Rep” by Adaan of Azgalor.

Getting (or already have) the impression that this expansion is all about faction? You’re not alone.

Welcome to December 2000.


By now, you might have heard that players on the European servers, who purchased the Collector’s Edition of the Burning Crusade, were temporarily gypped out of their CE netherwhelp pets because Blizzard mighta kinda sorta forgot to put in the code for the pets. Heh, oops.

Sooooo … Blizzard is compensating the affected players by giving them an additional pet, Lurky, a murloc. When I first heard of this, I thought how cool, now I want Lurky too, but that’s just me thinking that more is more. (Well it is! By definition.)

Then I saw all the hoops they have to jump through to get the netherwhelp and the murloc — crimony. Here’s what I don’t get: don’t they have a list or some sort of numbering scheme they used for Collector’s Editions CD keys? Run a script on maintenance day and send out the pets? Not possible?

Maybe they have IT people like at my work where I’ll ask them to do something and they’ll say “that can’t be done, sorry”, when I know very well it can be done, I see other companies doing it, they’re just unwilling to do it.

That’s the point in the conversation when I’ll stomp out of their department cursing and plotting revenge.

And speaking of Collector’s Editions, Amazon just emailed me this morning that they now have Collector’s Editions available. I had submitted my email back in OCTOBER to be notified when CEs were available.

We’re happy to inform you that the items you requested are now available to order from!

Video Games :: World Of Warcraft Burning Crusade Collector’s Edition

Availability: In Stock. Ships from and sold by

Price: $69.99

Well FYVM.

A Sucker Born Every Minute …

… and two to take him.

When I first investigated Shattrath City in World of Warcraft’s Burning Crusade, I ran across the vendor NPC Griftah, seller of Amazing! Amulets! They seem too good to be true! And indeed they are.

He does have some good pitches.

Shattrath Grifter

I caught the joke (took me a few minutes, I’ll confess), and I wished I could read some of the petitions Blizzard will get about this guy. I’ll bet it’s hilarious and will provide hours of entertainment for the Customer Service staff.

Look here! A complaint already!

In the grand scheme of things, 25 gold seems a small price to pay to learn a valuable lesson. Play past it.

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