Nerd Rage

Back to our regularly scheduled World of Warcraft programming …

This WoW poster and I agree on this: the WoW forums are the ideal place to seek legal advice.

Puddle, level 12 trolling alt of the Shattered Halls realm, wrote in “Acct hacked and im gonna sue”:

Does anyone have any advice for me a guy hacked my wow acct and it was my bank toon, we lost 100s of hours of play time.

1} Has anyone ever sued a person for hacking there acct

2} should I file the police report first or not

3}I know in the police report there needs to be a fraud charge so they cantt bankrupt out any other helpfull hints

4}we are going after this guy in court if you have any helpfull ideas please post

*points to the “Please Don’t Feed the Lawyers” sign.*

(Six sentences and not a one is correct. Sad.)

Strider is More Popular than The Beatles


Do you know how hard it is to get a screenshot of Strider (he, of Lord of the Rings Online, et al, fame) with the 3,000 players milling about in his room? I’m sure you can imagine. After ten minutes of wasted screenies, I had to settle for a shot with just one immovable tourist. (Hi, Greywyn! You’re almost famous.)

Strider keeps his door locked, but the innkeeper is giving out the key to just about any Legooolaas or Phrodoh who asks for it. Real security problem at The Prancing Pony, I wouldn’t recommend it.

Important Online Gaming Etiquette Rule: When visiting a famous virtual character, take your snapshots quickly, then step out of the way so that others can have a turn. It’s just like getting snaps of Mickey at Disney World — take your shot and get out.

If you are touring LOTRO in the open beta, or de-noobifying yourself for the approaching live date, here’s a few links I ran across on my journey through the learning curve:

TITLES!!! I don’t know how complete that site is, but it appears keylogger-free and content-rich at the moment. Also, “The Undefeated” is no longer available to me. (stfu.)

Here’s a LOTRO forums thread with song compilations for your in-game instrument, including some suggested key bind remappings to place the available notes more appropriately for real musicians.

And, one thread to rule them all: Reference Links for LOTRO Players, which includes naming guides (apparently Legooolaas is frowned upon), some .ini file fixes, crafting whatnots, and tips on setting up the built-in voice chat system.

The Zeal of the Newly Converted

I’m in love.

The (Famous) Prancing Pony

(Pictured: The Prancing Pony tavern of Lord of the Rings Online)

I know LOTRO and I are still on our honeymoon. I know I have the flush and the zeal of the newly converted, but, I AM SMITTEN.

I was swept off my feet. I wasn’t looking to make a big commitment — I just wanted a little fun on the side — and I have fallen hard for this game. Maybe you won’t love her like I do, and that’s ok, because she and I have something special right now. I don’t know if the end game will be as rich and carefree as our early days together have been, but if it is … I am so DOWN with this game.

I LOVE that there’s a “Pie-Eating Champion”.

Pie Eating Champion

(See? Hi, Cardinal Phang! You’re almost famous.)

I LOVE that I’m reading quest text now. I was a click-through questor from way back. Ya, ya, ya, we all have problems, Joe NPC, what do I need to kill/fetch/deliver? Now, I’m like: Brigands you say?? Stealing your weed, eh? THOSE BASTARDS! Sit tight, lil hobbit, I’m on the case.

I LOVE that the Old Forest is one of the spookiest in-game experiences I’ve ever had. I’m swatting flies, on my way to see a lady about some water, and the trees (elite ones, mind you) start creaking and moving. Thought me: I’m so dead, I’m so dead, I’m so dead, why didn’t I bring friends like the lippy NPC suggested?

I LOVE that the pre-order Founders’ in-game extra items are worth a damn.

I LOVE the area kill messages, or was killed by, as the case may be. Ok, I actually only LOVE the “was killed by” messages.

I LOVE the /music system where players can perform their own music with in-game instruments. I love that most of it is incredibly bad and that I would also be bad, but it’s depth and flavor.

I LOVE the crafting system, with farmers and foresters and scholars, although I’m not a crafter myself usually. I don’t know why we need pipe weed yet, but if I can blow dragon smoke-rings, call me a smoker.

I don’t even know all that I’ll love about my new mistress yet, but I’m eager to discover all the ways. Please GOD, let me love this game past level 20.

I can hardly wait to be with her again.