Rags and a Rusty Dagger = Overpowered

Dunnnnn duh DUN DUN.

From the World of Warcraft happy joy joy forums re: a BlizzCon press conference, what do you suppose this means?

Q. Are drop rates from high end content too low, so much so that it’s not worth it to defeat the bosses?

A: Rob Pardo – The problem isn’t raid drops, it’s drops in other areas of the game. It wasn’t that not enough loot was dropping, it was that we were giving out loot in other areas that was too good. This PvP and Arena award iteration is our first pass, so we’ll be looking at that. We’ll continue to look at the balance between PvP and Arena loot and raid loot before the expansion.

Right now, there’s really not much PVP or Arena gear for me, but some day … who knows? I can’t keep up with you kids forever. Eventually I’ll have to slow down, get dropped from every decent raid guild on my server and accept the label C A S U A L. After that shame, must I run around World of Warcraft in rags with a rusty dagger too?!?!?!

BlizzCon: Raids & Dungeons

While I like costumed gamers as much as the next guy, I’m mostly interested in the 2007 BlizzCon news about the expansion’s raid and dungeons changes and additions.

The best writeup I’ve found of the Raids & Dungeons panel was WarCry’s. Skipping the PowerPoint crap, the meat of the panel was:

* Possibly one new 5 man before next expansion.
* KTM and Deadly Boss Mods built into game.
* Ideas for an Item Rack functionality that has extra storage space for alternate sets of gear.
* New 25 man before expansion that is higher level/better gear than Black Temple. It was hinted, but not confirmed that this could be related to Sunwell and Northrend.
* Naxxramas could be redone as an introductory raid dungeon for Northrend to allow those who didn’t get to see the fight a chance to see the fight.
* Horde will be getting fear ward.
* Healing Priest raid vitality is being looked at.
* Possible guild based attunement or account based attunements.

Wow. See how long that development timeline is? Here’s how long ago these were ID’d as serious problems by players:

New 5-man – somewhat recently, i.e. mid Burning Crusade
KTM and DBM – late 2005/early 2006
Extra storage for resist gear – mid 2005
New 25-man – this was the “applause point” for the panel. Did the crowd erupt? Good.
Naxxramas – pre-BC. We’ll be having the same discussion when Expansion #3 is announced about the Black Temple.
Horde’s fear ward – early 2005
Healing raid priests – early BC
Guild-based attunements, aka Karazhan relief – early BC

Also of interest to me was The MMO Gamer’s audience with Tigole. Mr. Kaplan to you/Tigole wants to retune Naxxramas, which will probably take five years, but anyways:

So what I want to do in Northrend is to take Naxxramas in all of its glory, scale it down to the 25 man raid size, and then take the difficulty and retune it — obviously we’d tune for level 80, it would no longer be tuned for level 60, since that would be a little silly and it wouldn’t be a lot of fun for people at that point — but I want to put rewards in there that are very exciting to level 80 players, but make it the entry-level raid, very accessible, tune the encounters so that there’s something for everybody to do, and let the majority get a chance to see that content that they hadn’t seen before.

Much credit to Steven Crews, the interviewer — he stated up front that he was choosing topics and questions midway between softballs and 90 mph fastball screamers, which he did admirably — and then came the “oh snap!”.

The interview was thus concluded. As we stood up to shake hands and say our farewells, he asked me, “Were you a guild leader in EverQuest, too? I assumed that’s what you meant when you said you could relate.”

“No, actually,” I said, “I was the leader of the top guild on my server in WoW.”

“Ah. So, do you still play WoW?”

“No,” I admitted sheepishly. “I quit about a year and a half ago. I took one look at the patch notes with the requirements to open AQ and said to myself, ‘I’m getting the hell out of here.'”

That’s pretty damn funny.

The fastball screamer would have been, “Ya, Legacy of Steel steamrolled us on Avatar of War.” and walk off the mound.

Girls on the Intarwebs

For those of you looking for love (in all the wrong places, I might add, but don’t listen to me), Hawty McBloggy has written ten ORIGINAL! pick-up lines specifically for Halo.

Another equally ineffective approach is outlined at Cracked.com in some experimental online dating profiles, ranging from The Actual Truth to Giving Up on Society. Somewhere in between those extremes is the fake profile of a Larper:

Although I’ve never actually had sex, I have played several video games that simulate the act, and feel that that experience, combined with my catlike reflexes, means I’ll have a pretty good handle on what’s going on.

Throw out a wide enough net and you’re bound to pull up some refuse.