WoW Ruins Marriages IRL

Duh, amirite?

Former Blizzard employee Jocelyn bought World of Warcraft for her (now ex) husband Peter’s Christmas present in 2004. Big mistake. Less than a year later she had moved out.

I had set aside 30 minutes for us to watch a television show together, and he couldn’t. He was stuck on a raid, and completely failed to understand why I was upset.

Which TV show I wonder. Was it CSI? Because you can watch that anytime on Spike TV.

Or, was it, more likely, Desperate Housewives? And in that case, I’m on Pete’s side here — she wants him to log off before Ragnaros to watch some primetime soap? I don’t think so.

1 thought on “WoW Ruins Marriages IRL

  1. Is this really news anymore? The other news article I read said that she had only briefly worked for Blizzard. If she hadn’t, she’d be like plenty of the other wives/girlfriends out there who have been neglected by this game. Here’s a tip for her: if your man chooses a videogame over you, you’re probably boring! Inviting him to watch soaps with you isn’t the way to convince him he would enjoy spending time with you more than killing badass monsters with powerful spells.

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