Warlock Looking for Head and a Producer

I’m thinking this guy is better live than in the studio, but nevertheless, an (almost) epic World of Warcraft thread about a warlock and his quest for the Zul’Aman Hex Shrunken Head: What would you do for a ZA run?

The setup:

you’ve probably guessed it. im a horde warlock, and im looking to go to Zul’Aman with a raid group. My guild is too small to go with. I will respec affliction and dps if i get the chance to go with anyone. And if it matters im only going for one drop, Hex shrunken head. The rest i won’t roll on, i don’t care about the other drops. If i get the head i won’t leave the raid either because i got what i wanted, i’ll finish it out. Please send me a message in game if we could arrange something. Thank you


ok i have resorted to paying for this shrunken head… give me a time and a price. send me a piece of mail in game, a message… whatever. im a pvp warlock and i have no way of getting this trinket myself, please help.

So … (I think) the guy gets an audition with a guild willing to take him into Zul’Aman and they invite him into their Ventrilo server.

Part I of the Vent recording
Part II of the Vent recording

(Both NSFW: language, plus, terrible music)

U Wouldn’t Want to Touch That

The Male Gnome DanceWhile I was waiting for the cooldown on my World of Warcraft lunar festival invitation to the land of free portals, I was watching the various NPCs go through their dance routines and became curious about the male gnome dance origins.

The first Google result was this WoW page with downloadable files of the dance animations, 250×250 transparent or black, and 120×120 avatars — no Draenei or Blood Elf yet. I thought that was a nice little service … because I’m easily amused.

(The answer is MC Hammer’s “U Can’t Touch This”. Thanks WoWWiki, font of all World of Warcraft knowledge.)

By the way, if you’ve always wanted a Piccolo of the Flaming Fire to annoy your fellow players, the loot dropper Hearthsinger Forresten of Stratholme is easily soloable at level 70 by almost everyone. (The Wowhead comments provide good detail on finding his possible spawn spots.)

And don’t think because you’re a badass level 70 that you can pick off the trash at will in a careless manner because those huge gangs of undead can still take you down and send you to the graveyard outside, then you’ll have to slink back into Strath to pick up your body before your guild notices the corpse run of shame.

I’m guessing … cuz that never happened to me.

Twenty Things Foton Did on Holiday

Here’s the quick version of what I’ve been up to the past month, besides taking some time off to sharpen my axe:

1. Holidays. Duh.
2. Traveling for the holidays.
3. Finished a major project at work. Ka-ching!
4. Traveling for work. Bleh.
5. Updated the blog software and ruined the site … on New Year’s Day while VERY hung over. That was fun.
6. Told 1/3 of our World of Warcraft guild membership to GTFO of our guild. We realized it was more efficient to have them type /gquit then go down the list and /gkick. Really saved a lot of time.
7. Explained on Vent that we really did mean it.
8. No. Seriously. GTFO.

Here’s the thing. Every goddamn year around Christmas time, raiding guilds go through this period where people are traveling or spending time with their families or both, cuz THAT’S WHAT NORMAL PEOPLE DO. So, of course, the raiding (read: the loot train) slows down or grinds to a halt, only to pick up again after the holidays have passed. And every goddamn year, there’s a group of players who begin to panic when the loot train isn’t chugging down the tracks. “Are we disbanding?” “Will we raid again?” “This guild is dead!!”

Fercrissakes, it’s two weeks out of the year and these losers can’t wait for people to get back to their computers.

So our officers told the losers not to panic, and, after the holidays, they’d see, everything would be back to normal.

Apparently, losers don’t have access to calendars, and in their world, the holidays are over December 26th. Therefore, they had been more than patient by waiting until January 1st to start issuing ultimatums like … replacing our long-serving officers and giving King Loser the guildleader rank. (Riiight.)

See #5 above. I was trying to put out a fire on Ye Olde Blog while alt-tabbed at the PVP lounge and those sonuvabitches are complaining because we’re not in Serpentshrine Cavern and goddammit, turn over that guildleader tag and give them admin rights to all the web resources and the Ventrilo server so they can get to it.

The officers said, “So go raid SSC, nothing stopping you.” And indeed, they were welcome to raid SSC, there was nothing stopping them.

Not good enough. They wanted the raid leader to stop playing his alt and lead the raid; they wanted me to stop screwing around at the PVP battlemasters and heal the raid on my priest alt; and pretty much everyone to stop what they’re doing for a good old-fashioned New Year’s Day raid in Serpentshrine Cavern.

It was one of those super-rare moments when everyone’s temper blows at once. In short, every single officer online issued a “GTFO” (or some variation thereof), and me, late to the party, added my GTFO on Ventrilo … y’know, for the illiterate in the audience.

Those that GTFO are now on their third post-Foton guild.

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