Nightmare on Norrath

Recall that I spent a few hours redo’ing my EverCrack UI (user interface, noob), another hour redo’ing my hotkeys and checking my spell book … EQ is not kind to those that fall by the wayside … few more hours raising platinum by whoring buffs so that I could buy new and improved buffs, and finally, after about 12 hours prep time, I was ready to reenter the World of Norrath.

I disgust even myself.

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You Can’t Go Home Again

Although it shames me to admit it, I logged back onto EQ_Character03 after a year’s absence just to have a look around. As God is my witness, that was my original plan. Just a look. Honest.

After the monkey tried to crawl on my back and I toyed with the crack pipe in my mouth, I wondered “WHAT COULD I HAVE BEEN THINKING?” For crissakes, I wasn’t even DRUNK.

Now, I realize that I’ve missed two expansions (I haven’t actually *missed* them), and I didn’t complete a lot of the content on EQ_Char03 that I should have, but jfc, I’m so woefully behind even the noobs, it’s as if I never played at all. If I had waited to take a peek after Omens of War is released, I’d be five levels of grinding yumminess behind too.

Just a sample of the problems re:  a year-long EQ vacation:

A.  I don’t even know what some of these spells are that noobs are begging for nowadays.  They think I’m being an ass, which I usually am, but in this rare instance, I am innocent.

B.  I’m broke.  EQ’s economy has always been vastly different from other MMOGs that have manufactured money, vis-a-vis mission payouts, but EQ_Char03 seriously could use some social services for the destitute (me).  EQ_Char03 has needs, man!

C.  I’ve spent two hours “looking around” and so far, all I’ve done is set up my hotkeys again, redid my interface to something not quite so mid-1990s, and somewhat relearned my current spell set.  Do you see killing mobs or making money in there anywhere?  Exactly.

D.  New acronyms that have been invented in my absence.  LDoN, LFA, Trib this ya shiatz mahn, need temp, etc.  WHAT IN THE HELL IS ALL THAT?  And, who could I possibly ask without looking like a hot-off-the-blocks eBay noob?  (Which I kinda am … only without the eBay.)

The next time I’m not drunk and wishing I was, maybe I’ll have five hours to read up on all the content I missed. 

Not that I really “missed” it.