This is Stupid and very Sprite

Sprite (aka Coca-Cola) wants gamers (that’s YOU!) to consider their soft drink the drink of champions (not you currently, but maybe if you start chugging Sprite instead of that nasty Mountain Dew or other Pepsi product). I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP, Snoop, the Doggfather, introduced the Hip-Hop Gaming League, a new video game league for famous people that drink Sprite. Here’s the announcement. There aren’t enough words for lame in the English language to describe this marketing campaign, although, I’ve just now thought of a new one: Sprite.

Infected Marketing

Here’s an example of viral marketing in Warcraft, check out Omnimage’s post history. On each realm’s forum: “Yo guys. I just found this site with THE best WoW tshirts I’ve ever seen lol. I got myself one of the [ninja looter] ones and one of the Thorium Brotherhood ones. Sooo badass. Anyway, it’s at www.**OhNoesFotonCensoredThisShit**.com, so you should check it out. My friends were all like “WTF you get that shirt? I want one!!!” It’s almost like he’s trying to sell us something! Weak.

Is That a Video Game — or an Ad?

Business Week has an interesting article about the creeping malice that is in-game advertising: Is That a Video Game — or an Ad?. While Sims publisher Electronic Arts decided against product placement in their next expansion pack, The Sims 2 Open for Business, others are selling static and/or dynamic ad space in their games. With game development costs spiraling ever higher, in-game advertisment may be a necessary evil … plus, at $1 and $2 per connected game unit, that’s a lot of gravy.