Lineage Identity Thefts

Approximately 220,000 Lineage accounts were created with stolen identities on the South Korean servers. The prime suspects? Chinese gamers and farmers. (Of course.) Read: Identity theft feeds $1bn gaming black market. The South Korean gamers aren’t taking that shit lying down and are slaughtering the Chinese gamers in retaliation. Read: South Korean gamers stage online massacre of Chinese. I know what you’re thinking: how long until this scam arrives in other games with huge farmer operations? I dunno, maybe it’s already here. (dun dun DUN!) (More to read: The AP report, In South Korea, an online game led to identity theft.)

Outsourced Ogres

More on the Chinese gold farming industry from the New York Times, Ogre to Slay? Outsource It to Chinese. I know … yawn! But this article has photographs that aren’t blurry shots of dark-haired people hunched over 1982 Compaqs. (I will say those aren’t very comfortable chairs.) Which one is your server’s farmer? Mine is in the shiny black jacket, I think. *waves to Xiaohuaheloly*