Loot the Damn Hounds!

If your guild raids, or has raided, Le Molten Core of Warcraft World, then here’s a couple of phrases (i.e. macros) you’ve heard more times than you care to remember:

Loot the hound! (WoW Noob Lesson: After downing a core hound, the skinner needs an empty corpse to skin the primo leather off the dog.) Possible variations: Loot the damn hounds! Loot the fucking hounds! Crimony, how many times do we have to ask people to loot the goddamn hounds!?!?!?

Wait for sunders! (WoW Noob Lesson: The stackable warrior sunder reduces mob armor and builds a high amount of threat.) Possible variations: Fucking rogues, wait for sunders! *Sigh* Mages, wait for sunders! Warriors, we’re waiting for sunders.

We don’t really shout about those things anymore. Shame, used to be really hilarious.

Anyways, I was reminded of the old MC days when I skimmed through the new Raid Tips Guide posted on the Warcraft World site. If you’re new to raiding, this could be really useful, I suppose. Much of it is common sense, of course, which is never as common as advertised.

If I was new to Warcraft and I was reading through this guide, I would think, “What the crap, raiding sounds like a JOB and that guide reads like an EMPLOYEE MANUAL.”

And I would be right.

Were You Looking for a New Gaming Project?

Wikipedia has a weekly gaming collaboration project that needs your help — not my help, what the hell do I ever know? Nothing, that’s what. This week’s project is the 65th article spotlighted for additional content and editing and it focuses on Bioforge, a 1995 RPG by Origin. If only we could harness all this gaming energy into solving the problems that have plagued humans over the ages, we might have something here.

Aggro Mgmt Guide

From the Warcraft forums, Qil of the Emerald Dream realm has written a guide to managing (real life) aggro from wives: Serious Aggro Managers – The Guide. Largely, these are smoke and mirror type strats to divert the wife’s attention from how much time is being consumed by Warcraft. I’d recommend that one of the woman gamers write a similar guide for managing husband aggro, but I think we can all agree that’s just a matter of putting out platters of hotdogs and nachos and turning on the television. (Email tip from Byron.) (Thread archive)