Screenshot Day!

A few screenshots I’d collected lately of players having fun (sometimes at the expense of others):

The ingame gold sellers/power level services have moved to fancy textual messages to hustle their shit.

Hustling for Work

Well, it would have been fancy if he could have tested his macro first.

Here’s one of my guildmates. His fun had come to an end.

The Friend Zone

Bastard still hasn’t told us the story behind that mistell.

I told you a few weeks ago that my guild had split the membership into two ranks: one for the high-attendance raiders, the other for the lower-attendance raiders. (Link) One of the officers proposed adding a third rank.

Never Count on Me

Bah! If only we had the nerve to follow through on that. I don’t know about other guilds, but mine is losing its edge with the expansion just around the corner. There’s two camps of raiders. One is “the expansion will make our gear worthless, why bother farming it anymore!” and the other is the “umm, you will need SOME gear in the expansion to start off, you twits!”

I’m on the fence. I’ve got my purplez, but I’ll help others with their purplez just cuz what the hell else is there to do besides hide in the beta?

And finally, as you can see below, I’m still winning friends and influencing people in the PVP battlegrounds.

More Battleground Fun!!

I am REALLY surprised I didn’t get reported for that. Not that I cared.


I T.

Massive Magazine has Game Creds

I haven’t found, or looked for either, that new ad-rag Massive Magazine, but I have read article excerpts on their website! Looks like they do a lot of “this person doesn’t exist but if they did, they would do or say this” kind of stuff. Also, they have a lengthy piece on “virtual property brokers”, which is what we all call ebay and IGE (or RMT if you’re a Poindexter), and once you’ve covered a topic as edgy and NOW! as virtual property brokers, you’ve got game creds. Here’s something you won’t read in Massive, unless they steal it or actually log into a game and play for more than 30 minutes, my guild has a throwaway account just for laundering IGE, et al, gold. It’s not talked about openly of course, but if someone needs a little extra scratch for an alt’s epic mount or resist equipment materials and they’re nervous about exposing their primo Warcraft account to the roving band of Blizzard investigators, the throwaway is available to them, including some very rudimentary methods for laundering the gold. We’re a full service guild that way.

30 Million Warcraft Gold GONE!

They tried to sneak this one past me with a late Friday afternoon post on the Warcraft front page: World of Warcraft accounts closed! There was no need to sneak — not like I’m getting rich in this game, or off of this game.

Ordinn, Blizzard economist wrote:

In keeping with Blizzard’s aggressive stance against cheating in World of Warcraft, we banned over 30,000 accounts in the month of May, and with that removed well over 30 million gold from the economy across all realms. The banned accounts were taking part in activities that violate the game’s Terms of Use, including using third-party programs to farm gold and items, which severely impacts the economy of a realm and the overall game enjoyment for all players.

We will continue to aggressively monitor all World of Warcraft realms in order to protect the service and its players from the harmful effects of cheating. Please note that selling World of Warcraft content, such as gold, items, and characters, can result in a permanent ban of the involved accounts from World of Warcraft.

Many account closures come as the direct result of tips reported to our GMs in game or emailed to by legitimate World of Warcraft players. If you suspect that a World of Warcraft player is using an illegal third-party program to farm gold or items, or is otherwise violating our Terms of Use, please report the suspected infraction via one of the means listed above. All reports will be investigated, and those that prove false will not result in corrective action.

Thank you for your continued support, and good luck with your adventures in Azeroth!

I’d like to imagine that this was one huge sting, set up over the past few weeks, involving undercover GM agents and late night interrogations of suspected farmers. Probably it was far less glamorous: players ratting out some guys who were stealing spawns in Eastern Plaguelands.

One of our guild priests is relieved he bought his epic mount last week instead of waiting — supply and demand being what they are. And when I say “bought”, you know I meant he used some real life scratch to IGE the damn thing because who has the energy to farm 1000 gold for their second, third or fourth level 60? Nobody I know.

(Furl archive of forum announcement)