Uber New Hax

Changing the layout and few admin-type things here and there. This is the sort of fun that can be had while pharming the phatness in The Endgame for hours. And hours. And hours.

Buff, fight, kill, rezz the idiots that can’t CONTAIN themselves when fighting a badass monster, discuss loot for 15 minutes (alt-tab to mess around with blog layout), rebuff (alt-tab), fight, kill, rezz the idiots, alt-tab time again!

Anyways, this new template is so easy to install, config, bla bla, (full credits in footer), even an idiot can work with it. And indeed, an idiot just did work with it. It’s a beta release — I’m cutting edge that way, I’m all about the betas — so a few things will be busted while I shake out the loose screws.

And since my guild’s raid timer for World of Warcraft’s big boy zones reset today and tomorrow, I’ll have plenty of time for screw shaking.

Eh, it’s better than cussing everyone out. Again.

Guess What

This post doesn’t have anything to do with gaming. I recently upgraded to version 1.5.1 of WordPress and I need to test a few things. So in all likelihood, I’ll delete this post in a while after I get the goddamn feeds to work again, or, hopefully, someone else will have a similar problem and smarter people than me will solve this.

It’s a good thing that AFK Gamer has reruns on Monday. Actually, I have a better contract than Letterman. If I had a contract.

Example of a rerun. (Plus I need to check outgoing and incoming trackbacks.)

Blog Enhancement Weekend

I use WordPress to infuse AFK Gamer with ultimate blogging power. WP recently released their latest stable upgrade, version 1.5, which is supposed to be easier and shinier, and probably happier.

I like easy. Shiny can be good; happy is overrated.

Nevertheless! I will take the plunge and upgrade some time … maybe today, or tomorrow, or the next day. So, if you stop over and things are fucked to high hell, that’s what’s going on.

No ETA on completion, but worst case scenario is I have to beg for help from the IT guys at work on Monday.

(Note to self: Use these instructions and do not deviate or skip steps, particularly the backing up data stuff. Also, upgrading while sober would be a good idea.)

UPDATE: Well hot damn! That wasn’t so terrible, only took about an hour. Was scary as hell tho.

Any other WP hags looking to do the 1.5 upgrade, the instruction link above is well-written and easy to follow, even for an idiot like me.

UPDATE02: Spent a good couple hours trying to beat this thing into submission and all I have to show for it is: I centered the Days of the Week in the calendar. I R Stoopid.

One sorta significant change is to commenting. If you’re a new commenter, your first comment will be held in moderation (I think) and you will get a message stating that (I think). Previous commenters and users that are registered with the site don’t get moderated (I think).

Too bad for you, asshole Texas Hold’em dude! (I hope.)

Comments are held in moderation until I either check my email or I’m inside the blog bowels and check the moderation queue. ETA on that … depends.