Ya, I’m That Stupid

Continued from Sony’s Vortex of Evil — The day after Sony makes their grand announcement that they won’t be fixing any of the shit they fucked up in the last year until they pump out their first SWG Demon Expansion, they post (with much fanfare and hoopla) that SWG players can sign up to beta test said Demon Expansion, The Jump to Lightspeed.
Of course, not everyone will be chosen.  (O no!)  And I must be at least 18.  (O no!)  And they want to install some spyware to crawl up my computer’s ass to check my system.  (Check here to always trust content from Sony Entertainment!  ya, right.)  But I can be among the first to TRY OUT SPACESHIPS and LIVE THE STAR WARS DREAM!  (fuck you.)
These are the same people that in one fell swoop decimated my SWG PvP guild the previous day, along with many other PvP guilds on all the servers, and now they’d like a hand in beta testing the expansion that killed PvP?  These fuckers are like Tolkien’s Nazgul … neither living nor dead.
Frankly, I’m not sure they even need beta testers.  It’s not like the product that emerges DIFFERS IN ANY DISCERNIBLE WAY from the beta.  This is a company reknowned for their lack of response to the public.  Why in the world would they be interested in input from those of us that know, and at times have loved, their game?  In short, they aren’t.
They need beta testers?  I need a Sony paycheck first before I’d waste time checking their code.  They can take their Demon Expansion and shove it up their collective asses.