Snapple Bottle Hack: Use as Urinal

Before Warcraft shut the doors, I was grinding quests and experience one night with some guildmates before PvP time. PvP time usually began, from my limited observations, when night elves would start pouring into Hordeville, usually the Crossroads.

We had an hour, plus or minus, before their expected arrival so we were cranking out a level or two, as a level or two never hurts when night elves are pouring out of the woodwork. I was also thinking a short grind session might keep my noob ass out of the graveyard for a few extra minutes. I was wrong, but hell, live and learn.

Grinding exp is grinding exp no matter what world or game it takes place in, so my groupmates asked for a story to pass the time. They’re not asking for epic tales of holy knights and damsels in distress; they’re looking for the dirt, usually involving skanks or jagbags, but probably they’d enjoy a lesbian story also. If I had any lesbian stories. Which I don’t.

Almost ten years in online gaming, you’d think I’d have at least one lesbian story. Odd.

I wasn’t in the mood to recount YET ANOTHER loot mishap, or the classic “my brother was playing my character and logged off with your ebay-able items in my backpacks” type tale, so I told them this one:

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And So It Ends …

A few days ago, I met up with my guild in WoW and put the yoke back on. (Try to keep up, Part I is here.) I had been “avoiding” this for a while, to enjoy the peace and quiet of solitary play … without having to race around helping others, gathering crap for the crafters, dealing with tells from outsiders either wanting to join or bitching about a member.

You know, that old chestnut.

Tonight, after a mass PvP free-for-all in Hordeville, the WoW Open Beta came to a close and the wait for Live Day begins.

By the way, Blizzard never did give a parting gift for the beta testers … there is a protocol here, people! They unleashed some NPCs that wiped the floor with us, BFD. Put out with the max level; we need to aspire before we fork over the box price and a major slice of our future lives.

From the WoW thank you letter (still no workable permanent link system over there) :

The beta test community has been a tremendous source of information and feedback for the development teams, and we wish to thank our beta testers for participating in the beta test process. When the final version of World of Warcraft hits stores on November 23rd, you’ll see the culmination of your hard work.

(Ok, I guess.)

To end the evening, the guild had a brief convo on TeamSpeak about loot and how it will never tear us apart! (hehe, noobs.) Their naivete is both endearing and forboding.

I’ve been down this road before. It has a slippery slope.

Half-Life 2: pirates find buried treasure

“Word is, Valve packed a little surprise into its very own warez version of Half-Life 2 being
distributed via the Bittorent network. A trap—designed to capture account information—was installed into the file, so
that anyone foolish enough to download this pirated version would be banned from Steam. Here’s what the Gabe
Newell, the man himself, had to say:

‘We’re running a bit of an experiment. We’re keeping track of the accounts that do this and will be shutting them
off.'”…excerpt from: Joystiq … Foton: Thank you for opening Pandora’s Box.