OOO, WoW, A Contest

Somebody has got to step up to the plate over at Blizzard and give that joint a personality … or a good hard slap.

New contest for World of Warcraft, recreate movie scenes in screenshots with your characters. Not a bad idea, in fact, could be a great idea if players get into it. Not me, of course, but better players could do some creative work with this.

From the contest rules (again, bla bla Blizzard permalinks may not work even two days after posted here), here’s the prize:

A. Grand Prize: . One (1) qualified entrant will have the screen shot that they submitted displayed in association with the Grand Prize Winner’s World of Warcraft character name, on the World of Warcraft website located at and the Sponsor’s official website located at

Christ, I’d hardly call that a “prize”. Why don’t they just say they’ll use it on the front page and leave it at that. The way they outline the “prize” in legalese and other grand language, I’m expecting they’ll warn the winner that he/she may owe taxes on it.