I Blog, Therefore I Don’t Have Time to Think

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I can’t torture any of these into a full post, but I am nonetheless tortured by them:

1. I refresh my feedreader today … a lazy man’s tool to camp blogging freshness. Gamespy’s feed, which is only in my reader so I don’t have to wade through all the ads they stuff onto their site: early afternoon, three of five unread items were advertisements — late afternoon, two of three were ads. I realize the big boys have to pay the bills somehow but that’s bullshit.

*right-click, delete*

Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve gotten any news I could use from Gamespy in years. Maybe ever, but I haven’t really kept track.

2. Quest for Antonia Bayle. (details) (Also discussed by Mr. Freeman, Aggro Me, and n3rfed’s Cosmik.) I think they’re all lovely girls making the best of a prickly situation with their essays. (heee) It’s not as if Sony said they’re looking for an attractive Antonia Bayle that can write a regular column of pithy EverQuest commentary. (There. I took the high road.)

Just a guess, but I think there’s no way in hell that SOE will let the Playmate win this.

One word: Photoshop.

3. My latest hairbrained idea for game blogging: Drunk blogging. In fact, I have at least a dozen drafts (posts, not beer) stacked up right now that would qualify as drunk blogging. Sometimes I clean up the language (the clarity, not the profanity) and publish, but mostly they just sit there because they are so insane and ill-conceived.

But announcing beforehand that I plan to have a few cocktails and attempt some game quest or raid that is sure to annoy the piss out of me, that could be entertaining. At least for me.

4. Odd thought: With the number of time wasters available in a game like, say, EverQuest, the published word count if I had been blogging back then would be STAGGERING. I think that one-eyed, bald guy posted about games that are conducive to multi-tasking, like TV while gaming. Same principle, blogging + gaming, message board flaming + gaming, doing homework or paid work + gaming. Although EQ days, I would read the newspaper or Sports Illustrated while sitting around … waiting and waiting and waiting …

I shudder to think of the damage I could have wrought. Not in a good, crusader type way — I mean embarassing for me and anyone foolish enough to call me an e-friend.

It’s probably for the best that I just have foggy (and therefore, fond) memories of those raiding days.

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