I Evolve

Never let it be said that I can’t evolve!

Before, when I would get a tell from a game stranger filled with gibberish, I’d respond, somewhat impatiently, with a “wtf?”

Just because I don’t understand doesn’t mean it’s gibberish! It could be a foreign language, eloquently written even!


Tada!  Evolution!

I can be sensitive to other cultures, even gibberish.

3 thoughts on “I Evolve

  1. If there are lots of short words and lots of soft consonents, it’s probably Chinese.

    Just yell gauyang-zengh de guyang (spelling uncertain, but it’s the internet so you don’t care.) at them. Means “Motherless goat of all motherless goats.”

    Don’t do this because they speak a foreign language, do this because they’re on the internet and thus probably deserve nonsensical insults anyway.

  2. Would it be culturally insensitive of me to yell “General Tso Chicken, plskthx”? Cuz I really like that.

    And as you can see, I did wiki him, demonstrating my thirst for greater understanding. Bottom line, in the hands of the right cook, that chicken is damn good.

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