The Druids Get Their Day

It’s World of Warcraft patch day again — version 1.8 for those keeping score.

Every dog has it’s day. This day is for the druids. Full patch notes here. (patch 1.8, dated 10/10/05)

Summarized: bla bla bla bla slow weapon nerf, bla bla bla druids, bla bla bla bla.

You might want to call home and have someone start the patch on your computer. Later today, have someone start the downloads for all the UI mod updates. You should be ready to go by primetime tonight. Maybe.

7 thoughts on “The Druids Get Their Day

  1. Are you downloading the whole patch or the very simple and small 1.7 > 1.8 patch? If you are downloading over 200MB then its the wrong patch.

    Lots of mirrors are up and my blog has a list… both full and 1.7 > 1.8 upgrade patch.

    And my guilds druid is finally going to start playing his 60 druid again. In a small guild its nice to have as many 60’s around as possible instead of having them play their alts 😛

    Even if he is a feral druid o_O

  2. I had serious trouble trying to download the patch with the ingame updater – I finally just used one of the mirrors and got it installed with no trouble. From what people were saying online last night, it took some of them up to two hours to download it. I don’t know why they didn’t just get it from a mirror!

    I haven’t even tried to download all the upgraded addons. It took me long enough to just get up and running again last night! I wanted some time in game, with or without my addons.

    Druids = good. Now that I have my talent points back I’m torn about going for a Balance Specialty just so I can get the Moonkin form. Come on, being a Moonkin would be super cute.

  3. I think all our guild druids picked up moonkin form cuz of the cute factor. They have been ordered, however, to “repair” their talent specs before the next MC run by Guild Management or risk sitting on the outside looking in.

    I’m sure they’ll have some explanation by then on why we NEED 3 or 4 moonkins running around in MC.

  4. Well, my druid is only at level 20, so I’m no where near being able to actually become the Moonkin, so it makes even less sense for me. Come on, though, doesn’t your guild realize how awesome it’d be to have whole parties of Moonkin? Dancing? Dancing, I tell you!

  5. hehe i know that druid problem 😀
    we have 2 die-hard PvE druids who will not respec, but the other 6 are going feral or balance now.
    Our officers have for now decided that any druid found in catform while ANY member of the raid dies will get -dkp and serious healers (holy/disc priests, restoration druids hell palas in healing gear ffs) get first dibs on the slots.

  6. I find it truly pathetic that any guild would force a respec on a player.

    “Guild Management” as you refer to it: Just another player that paid $50 for the game and subscribes to the service just like anyone else. Any guild that REQUESTS a particular spec should at the very least pay for the respec into and out of whatever talent pool they want for an instance.

    Secondly, if you think moonkin doesn’t do well in instances… you are wrong, there are plenty of video’s to be found via your nearest search engine.

    You want a build — REQUEST it, dont mandate it. Almost any build can function, albeit not the uberleet build you may try to force on someone that is paying just as much for a game as you are.

    And to those players that find themselves in the unfortunate circumstance of joining a guild that wants to control your playstyle — /gquit and find another.

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