A Parting Gift

There’s these books, y’see, that drop in the higher level Warcraft instances. They’re spell books for group buffs: Arcane Brilliance (mage intelligence buff), Gift of the Wild II (the fancy druid all-stat buff) and Prayer of Fortitude II (the priest HP buff).

The guild has about a billion of these in the guildbank for any up-and-coming alts reaching max level 60, plus each and every guildmate has several duplicates themselves that ya CAN’T GIVE AWAY. This is good, in theory, because I really hate games that hide away essential class spells in the tougher instances or dungeons on rare ass drops, so the poor sap has to either pay a king’s ransom to complete his spellbook or rely on the kindness of strangers.

Nevertheless, whenever another of these books drops, everyone in the raid will groan and there’s a minor argument over who has to loot the damn thing.

Not me. I like to loot them. I even keep a complete set on my person at all times, and I’ll tell you why.

Every time I’m grouped with one of those stingy buffers … you know the type, you have to CONSTANTLY remind them to redo their buffs on the group and they moan and grudgingly rebuff and I always think, wtf, I’m so sorry to ask you to DO YOUR JOB … every time I’m grouped with one of those, I like to give them a parting gift of their class buff book.

“Here ya go. This should come in handy for your next group.” (with someone else)

I mean, it couldn’t hurt to relearn it, since its usefulness was so obviously lost on them the first time they got the spell.

5 thoughts on “A Parting Gift

  1. Oh. One of those. Ya, we have a few of those pallies in our raids, too.

    There is no worse fate than BEING ASSIGNED TO GROUP 8. That’s right, they can babysit all the hunters and a rogue or two. They don’t like buffing? See how they like patch healing.

    As soon as the hunters express satisfaction with the paladin assigned to them, we promote him/her to group 7 and assign an even shittier paladin to group 8.

    Hey, no one said that being a hunter was going to be easy.

    If it’s a pickup group tho, meh, what can ya do.

  2. god i would kill myself if i had to use a pick up group for a 40 man run… thank god for being a big raiding guild. no pugs for me kthxbye

  3. Pugs for anything above UBRS are suicide…
    i did Zul gurub once with a pug (because my 2 guild groups were well stocked on healers/mages :/ ) and it was a horror… 3 priests and only myself (a druid) felt responsible for healing tanks…

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