Warcraft Politics

When I’m redoing the Warcraft noob instances for the 40th time, on the 6th alt, of the 2nd account, I can’t help but consider the political implications of my task at hand. Take the Stockades of Stormwind, for example. The objective is to kill all the prisoners of war in the dungeon. ??? They’ve lost control in the prison and their solution is to massacre the whole lot?

Geneva Convention violations

After this conflict is over, I’m not taking the heat for The Stormwind Stockades Massacre. I was just following orders.

I’m trying a new approach with the professional farmers in Warcraft. We’ve already established that I have no skillz at all with the Asian languages; they have trouble with English. Perhaps one of the European languages could be a middle ground.

Lo Siento

Spanish was a no go.

I can always fall back on the universal language that all humans understand. (No, it’s not love.)

1 thought on “Warcraft Politics

  1. Hmm, WC3 had one level where you were effectively competing against the ‘evil’ faction, wherein they were trying to convert all the population of a town into demons (or undead, I can’t remember), and you were trying to stop this occurance by killing the inhabitants before they were able to be converted.
    I think Blizzard is trying to tell us something… 🙂

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