Lots of fuss about the Warcraft guild that was pitching recruitment to the GLBT community. (OMG, you noob. That’s Gay Lesbian Bi Trannie, GLBT. I know. It’s hell trying to keep up with the evolving language of Internet Acronyms.)

Here’s the report, from In Newsweekly, and the gist of it is that Blizzard said they couldn’t GLBT-recruit, and I can understand Blizzard’s position on this: the potential for problems (directed against the niche guild) and mature-themed public conversations is too great.

Why can’t the GLBT people just explain to recruits in /tells that many of them are GLB or T and leave it at that? Some guild explains that to me, I’d thank them and wish them well. There’d be no hate, no hard feelings, but I doubt I could keep up with the acronyms … or the Brokeback Mountain discussions.

Anyways, the absolute best comment I’ve seen about this whole issue is over at the Poindexters … the 10th comment down, by Tess, a game design blogger herself:

On another game once, a woman was invited to join our guild, and she asked if her husband could come along. She warned us that he liked roleplaying gay, and some people didn’t understand. We laughed, and told her that we had RL gays in the guild, so it was no big deal at all. She was, needless to say, quite relieved.

(emphasis mine) Heh. Just think about that.

I wish I would have been in that guild. I could have gotten a lot of mileage out of that situation.

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