Romero’s id

GameSpot has a news blurb about John Romero, he of id and Doom fame, and a new (as yet unnamed) MMO that he’s developing. Here’s the announcement on CVG and here’s Romero’s announcement on his own blog.


Many people already knew I was making an MMO for about the past 4-5 months but evidently there are a lot more who didn’t know as evidenced by the news blurbs that blasted out today after PC ZONE magazine announced it online.

And the torrent of diarrhea from people’s posts on the net about it confirms just how out-of-date most people’s knowledge of my history is after the id or Ion era. Bunch of L4/\/\3R5!!11one

Ya, really. How the hell did we miss this exciting news that might happen in two or three years?

(What the fuck does he think, we’re all Googling John Romero every day?)

But hey, that IS exciting news and now that I’m onboard, I look forward to trying his MMO in a few years … if it materializes.

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