Bring Enough Love Tokens for the Entire Class

This month’s World of Warcraft holiday content is for Valentine’s Day: Love is in the Air. Remember that part about how I thought the special event content was well done and not overly annoying to participate in? I take it back. The good: the food rewards have stat bonuses. The stupid: Who has the time to run all over the cities passing out Valentine’s cards? (They’re called Love Tokens, but we know they’re just Valentine’s cards.) Who would have the bag space to carry all the quest pieces? Not me and nobody I raid with does either. For future reference: In March, I won’t have the bag space to collect shamrocks, but I’ll gladly take a pot of gold and some green ale as a reward.

4 thoughts on “Bring Enough Love Tokens for the Entire Class

  1. Only one good thing about the whole valentine’s shenanigans: kiss the little cupid-goblin in any major city and get 200hp for an hour, no matter your level. Alt-a-licious.

    I did the whole lot of the quests, no reputation, nothing but some soulbound chocolates giving buffs useful to OTHER classes… PLUS I got rejected by an Abomination, and that’s about as low as it can get. :~(

    Stark contrast to the Lunar Festival coin hunt, which was an interesting and varied way to grind faction! 6.6k rep away from my great kodo, woot.

  2. I had fun with the rose petals applying them to unsuspecting noobs and random mobs. Then I applied one stack to an elf hunter’s spider. He got pissed, especially when I told him that I didn’t think they could be removed. I’ve been playing mmos since UO first came out and for the first time I got a glimmering of why griefers do what they do. But otherwise it does kinda bite.

  3. What I hate about all this holiday crap is that it always ends up lagging the main cities into oblivion. I was in Darnassassass turning in a quest and I LAGGED! NO ONE WAS THERE AND I FRICKING LAGGED! And it’s because of these idiotic holiday directions. Put that shit in Nijel’s Point or something. Or someplace else that I will never ever go.

  4. Umm Finster? Most of us never go to Darnass-whatsit either. 😛 What were you doing over there? Cruising for night elf noobs?

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