Enjoy VD

Catassers!Here’s a fun way to celebrate VD — the made-up holiday, not the gift that keeps on giving long after the post-coital glow has left you — Be My Anti-Valentine.

If that site wasn’t on its knees from the crush of VD traffic, that’s the card I’d email to serverperformanceissues (at) blizzard (dot) com and raidanddungeondesignfeedback (at) blizzard (dot) com.

Here’s something I *can* give you for VD, a short set of Warcraft screenshots that a reader, who wished to remain uncredited, emailed me … and I think this is from Medivh, again, the second most interesting specimens server population around. (I think this is Medivh, my notes are somewhat incomplete.)

A vignette told in two screenshots, that I call “No Licks Allowed”: Part I and Part II.

I know … just makes you wanna go have a lick, doesn’t it? Unless you already have a Warcraft character on Medivh, you’re out of luck. Character creation is still closed.

Besides, you really shouldn’t go licking around VD anyways. Dangerous.

3 thoughts on “Enjoy VD

  1. Yeah, if you go around licking like that, you likely to spread your VD to everyone much like the Blood God disease that went around WoW last year. I’m still certain that was spread through licking after visiting Zul’Gurub althought the Blizzard coverup was that it was just a bug. 😛

  2. This was — by far — the most enjoyable VD post I’ve encountered (even being a die-hard romantic).

    After being the recipient of my 7th damned Love Fool on Destromath during the VD fun and frolic, it was a refreshing change of pace to read your engaging Anti-Valentine solution to the Obligatory Hallmark Holiday.

    I also had no clue that Ragnaros had a MySpace account, which sent gales of laughter through everyone on ventrilo who had their butts burned on Sons of Flame. Gratzie!

  3. Maybe you missed this article about great loves in gaming … like Mr. and Mrs. Pac Man. Warms the heart, doesn’t it? Ok, probably not.

    Anyhow. Guildmates with those stupid VD rewards are becoming quite the menace on raids. At one point during Onyxia, we had 10 of those STUPID FAIRY GOBLINS flying around in the lair, which lead to a zero tolerance ban on stupid fairy goblins. If someone sics one of those fairies on your ass, the only escape is zoning, or if buried deep in an instance, dying.

    Which is exactly what I did at Onyxia — kinda sorta on purpose, because I get credit whether I’m dead or alive.

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