Automagic Warcraftery

Regarding World of Warcraft repetitive gameplay issues, Blizzard poster Tyren wrote:

Recently, players expressed some concern over the use of programmable gaming peripherals while playing World of Warcraft. We want to make sure it’s clear that creating hotkeys for certain actions in the game is ok. However, if these peripherals are used to automate gameplay to the point where the player is able to conduct repeated actions in the game without paying attention, then that will constitute a violation of our game policies. The use of sustained automated play grants an unfair advantage over players who earn their achievements by actively playing through the game as it was designed. In the interest of maintaining an even playing field for all players, we will investigate reports of automated play and take action as needed to prevent this from occurring in the game.

Presumably, when he writes, “… if these peripherals are used to automate gameplay to the point where the player is able to conduct repeated actions in the game without paying attention, then that will constitute a violation of our game policies”, he isn’t referring to raid priests and flash heal.

4 thoughts on “Automagic Warcraftery

  1. Or the auto-bot cleric that follows you around and heals you with absolutely zero input from you. It’s a true story, one of my guildies spent more time UI modding than he did playing…

  2. I wonder if you (a level 60 character) could find a low-level self-healing mob that you could fight indefinitely…

    In fact, just put on some health/5 seconds gear, and go stand next to a really low-level mob…you could enter combat, then walk away from your computer, come back the next day, and still have full health. Is that an “unfair advantage”?

  3. DOH! I have been through scholomance so many times that i can finish the entire instance without even paying attention. I am a violator?

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