Warcraft Keyrings

Coming to Patch 1.11, keyrings for … well, keys. “We’re pleased to announce that the keyring functionality has been completed and will be in place for patch 1.11. When a player first acquires a key, they will automatically acquire a keyring that will hold permanent dungeon keys.” The number of keys held scales with character level, up to 12 keys for the big boys. So, that’s up to 12 more bag/bank slots they just gave you. Couldn’t they have saved a ton of design, coding and test time by giving us three extra bag slots instead of making up shard bags, herb bags, keyrings, and whatever else is coming (reagent bags, smithing bags, quest bags, E T C)? Not as elegant, but hella lot quicker.

5 thoughts on “Warcraft Keyrings

  1. I’m simply astounded at the length of time it has taken to get this feature in. And, it’s more than just extra bag slots. If we had extra bag slots, you’d still get all the way to the locked instance door and say, “Crap, I forgot the key in my bank”.

  2. Does the keyring actually take up a bag slot? I hated that whole “forgot the key in the bank” thing.
    In EQ2 once you get access to a zone (complete the quest) you just have access to it from there on out. There is a screen you can bring up which shows you what zones you have unlocked but there is no item you need to lug around.

  3. Ya, that’s the correct way to do it … ala Planes of Power flagging. (Knew that was good for something) No, that’s not how it is here.

  4. The advantage of a key system as opposed to flagging a player for access is that the key system allows those who have the key to open the door to zones for those who don’t have the key. The disadvantage is…well…we all know. =p

  5. Well from a TECHNICAL basis – they could still have it be a “key” and allow someone to open the door for others just not take up a bag slot. It’s true though that in EQ2 the tendency is to have everyone need to be flagged for the zone (ala MC in WoW) – although they’ve relaxed access restrictions for a lot of zones that no longer require completion of the access quest to get to.
    Top 2 most hated things about WoW keys: forgetting it in the bank and the infamous “here we are at UBRS now who has the key?”

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