C’Thun Prognosis: Negative

More about those Ahn’Qiraj encounters in Warcraft that people have been yammering about lately: a hotfix to Ouro and C’Thun to reduce their wtfpwnage. Whether this is a “fix” or a “capitulation” is in the eye of the beholder; although Blizzard did call it a hotFIX, not a hotCAPITULATION. (Furl archive of thread)

2 thoughts on “C’Thun Prognosis: Negative

  1. Great. Now the next time some whiny-baby guild decides that they don’t like Boss X or Feature Y, then all they have to do is post a profanity filled screed on their website that offers no constructive advice whatsoever. Then Blizzard will of course cave and do a bunch of stuff to capitulate to said loud-mouthed guild.


  2. Oh PLEASE Finster, it was a feked up encounter for a side boss. And C’thun was pretty insane as well. This also gos with Blizzards usual method of “We’ll nerf if when we think we’re ready for the boss to die” game design style. It’s happened with every big boss only this one got called out by the majority of the raiding community.

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