The Zul’Gurub Enchants and You

On the Warcraft forums, Blizzard lackey Eyonix recently revealed some planned changes for the Zul’Gurub uber enchantments: “While it’s not completely in-line with your dream parody, I do believe that you’ll be happy to hear that in the next patch, the Dire Maul Librams will no longer be a requirement for the Zul’Gurub enchantments. Instead, a new item drop from either Bloodlord Mandokir or Jin’do the Hexxer, along with the class appropriate Voodoo doll will be all that is necessary, making these enchants much more accessible to players.” I will express reserved enthusiasm for this revamp, as I know sometimes “revamp” is just another word for nerf, and although it might seem like these enchants components couldn’t get any more annoying to collect, I know better: they could. (Furl archive of thread)

Gaming Families

The Washington Post profiled familes that stay together, despite their geographical separation, by playing together in Far-Flung Families Unite in Cyberspace — And Kill Monsters. Speaking from my own observations, this is becoming much more common. Our Warcraft guild, of approximately 60ish active raiders, we have several real-life couples and two sets of fathers and sons. All of my EQ guilds, each of approximately 100ish active raiders, we had ZERO real-life relationships except for a few that started (and eventually ended) in the game. Star Wars: Galaxies guild, of approximately 50ish or less characters, we had one husband and wife in the guild, and even though she had real life affairs with two guys on the server, they stuck together — naturally, there were some uncomfortable moments in guildchat when that shit hit the fan. (Assume that “uncomfortable moments” equates to entertainment that you can’t buy.)