Forum Surfing

I found two threads in the World of Warcraft forums that might actually qualify as intelligent discourse. First, “Priests the only class with forced spec”, which isn’t entirely true, but is true enough to generate some tasty commentary. Go on, put that in your mouth, it’s delicious. Lastly, this monster thread titled “The best post. These guys deserve a nod!” about a player (Dredd GaRyn, NOT HIS REAL NAME) from the Feathermoon realm. Mr. GaRyn (NOT HIS REAL NAME) was recently diagnosed with cancer and his guild pulled together donations and other support to aid in his treatment and recovery. Now stop that! I know you’re skeptical already. And I know … how many cancer and heart surgeries have we heard about on gaming forums? More than we can count. Frankly, the freakish and fraudulent fails to catch our notice anymore. (Warning: Today is vacuum out the servers day, so the forums may load slowly or not at all.)

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