Where in the World of Warcraft?

So you think you know World of Warcraft. You’ve been everywhere, done just about everything? Prove it.

Where in the World of Warcraft

Where in the world were the above screenshots taken?

Numbers 2 and 14 are particularly tough, as they lack landmarks — I’ll give hints: #2 was taken while returning to Ironforge and #14 was taken while fishing some of the best Warcraft waters for high-end fish. If your guild isn’t a 40-man raiding guild, or isn’t very far along in the content, there’s a couple others that might be difficult.

(Some of the shots you should be able to pinpoint the exact location, for others, just the zone may be distinguishable.)

There’s no grades, no prizes, this is just for sport.

The correct answers are after the jump. (There is a way to cheat using the AFK Gamer Flickr photostream, but keep your cheating, exploiting hacks to yourself.)


1. Dustwallow Marsh, looking towards The Barrens and that burnt-out tavern. (larger pic)
2. Over The Wetlands, flying back into Ironforge. (larger pic)
3. The Auberdine inn, Darkshore. (larger pic)
4. Behold Ragnaros, the Firelord! He who was ancient when this world was young! Ragnaros’ lair inside Molten Core. (larger pic)
5. Winterspring. (Specifically, on the griff flying into Everlook.) (larger pic)
6. Silithus, just south of Cenarion Hold. (larger pic)
7. The full moon over the Darkshore dock, just outside Auberdine. (larger pic)
8. Western Plaguelands, the statue of Uther Lightbringer. (larger pic)
9. Janeiro’s Point outside Booty Bay. (larger pic)
10. Mulgore, just outside Thunder Bluff. (larger pic)
11. Lord Victor Nefarius’ throne in Blackwing Lair. “In this world where time is your enemy, it is my greatest ally. This grand game of life that you think you play in fact plays you.” Werd, Victor. (larger pic)
12. Magmadar in Molten Core, altho this thumbnail is virtually identical to any of the Molten Core hounds. (larger pic)
13. Ironforge, specifically in the Gnome section of town. You would only know that if you’re a regular reader of AFK Gamer. (larger pic)
14. Azshara, out in the Bay of Storms, fishing up some stonescale eel for tank flasks. (larger pic)
15. Alterac Valley, in Dun Baldar — the dwarf stronghold. (larger pic)
16. The Darkshore flickering flame from the Midsummer Fire Festival, near the Ashenvale border. (larger pic)
17. Ironforge, in the Mystic Ward. (larger pic)
18. The Stormwind orphange, in Cathedral Square. (larger pic)

7 thoughts on “Where in the World of Warcraft?

  1. It would help if the pictures weren’t so darn small I can hardly see them — or is that part of the challenge? Great idea for a quiz, but please post a bigger image.

  2. A larger picture would help for some of them. (Is that a tree…or an undead warlock?)

    1. Kinda hard to tell, but I am thinking that burnt out inn in Dustwallow, like on your way to the Barrens.
    2. Looks like the Wetlands, by the Bluegill murlocs?
    3. Docks in Auberine?
    4. Ragnaros’ Lair
    5. Winterspring
    6. Silithus
    7. Hard to tell..but I will say the Wetlands again. By the graveyard?
    8. Uther’s tomb
    9. Booty Bay
    10. Thunder Bluff
    11. Nefarian’s lair, throne
    12. Magmadar?
    13. Gnomeragan?
    14. hrmm…Steamwheedle?
    15. Northgate Outpost
    16. Darkshore during the summer festival
    17. Mage Quarter, Ironforge
    18. Orphanage in Stormwind

    Probably got alot of those wrong. Haha.

  3. Yar, that is part of the challenge, the small thumbnail size. I’ll post links to the full pics later.

    Good work, Gesikah, you are very very close.

  4. Nice set of shots… very colorful. Very wide spread of places. Nice to be able to go through and look at the larger versions, of course; otherwise it’s mostly about eyestrain. *grin*

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