To Ding or Not to Ding

Feran level 13 paladin of the Warcraft realm, Scilla, doesn’t care if you ding, he just wants you to do it quietly. Quoting from the forum thread, “People who say ‘Ding'”: “… I understand that saying “ding” has been passed down from previous MMORPG’s. But really, do people crave that much attention that they have to let the whole world know every time they level. I’m sorry but the fact that you leveled is nothing special, it’s happening to everyone. …” Ya, ya, low levels shouting “Ding!” in a public channel is stupid, but I’m more inclined to agree with Reply #11 by Ravenhurst (level 60 hunter of Shattered Hand): “Ding is a goddamn tradition. If you don’t like it then get the hell out of my genre before you get trained by Fansy.” Tradition! Don’t mess with it, noob! And with the level cap rising to 70 in a few months, there’s gonna be a whole lot of dinging going on. (Archive of WoW Forum – People who say Ding, page 1)

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