7 thoughts on “Where in the WoW?

  1. Ashenvale.. somewhere.
    The Shrine if Aessena perhaps?

    The “cleaning the corrupted” quest. Which resulted in many a Furbolg dance by the IF bank.
    good times good times.

    If you played Horde, you never had the chance to partake in this phenomena.

  2. Same as above/below, don’t know where my comments gonna end up in this newly designed mashugathingy.

    Oh and even though we don’t have furbolgs, we win BG’s ^^

  3. Elves only destroy everything they touch. Oh sure they say they love the environment, but why did they try to destroy the planet? And those are the HEROES of the elves, let’s not even mention their villians who tried to summon Sargeras (I guess that’s why night elves aren’t warlocks anymore).

  4. Yes, near Shrine of Aessina. The judges also would have accepted the answers: “near Fire Scar Shrine” or “just south of Astranaar, right near all those annoying spiders and wolves” or “that one area where Foton wandered for an hour or more looking for some stupid quest that wasn’t even NEAR there”.

    re: the mashugathingy … I’ve decided that I hate it too. Just too much going on and detracts from the text, which is really what we’re all about … sharing guild gossip about cyber whores and starting rumors. New wrapper coming soon.

  5. I’ve always considered this statue to be a bit of an homage to the buried Statue of Liberty at the end of Planet of the Apes. I don’t know if it IS – but considering all the pop references in WoW I wouldn’t be surprised.

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