
I agree with Mustachio of the Turalyon realm (reply #10), I have high hopes for this Warcraft forum thread: “Why is homosexuality excluded from lore?”

Weehehe of Spirestone wrote:

Dear Blizzard:

I noticed that in the lore, there seem to be no LGBT (#*@@!%%, gay, bisexual or transgendered) characters. (I believe GLBT to be phallogocentric). Though hetersexual relationships are visible, there are no great passionate homosexual romances that seem to have occurred. Am I correct in this factual assertion?

If so, what does this imply? That in wonderfully magical Azeroth, no one is born gay, #*@@!%% or transgendered? O’Rly?

Why do the lore writers self-censor themselves when it comes to issues of sexual identity politics?

Would the lore writers please do us a favor and consider adding or modifying the lore to include at least 1 #*@@!%% character, 1 gay character, 1 bisexual character and 1 transgendered character? C’mon, throw us a bone here! It’s 2006, not 1906.

Respectfully Yours

(heh, lesbian is a naughty word in Azeroth.)

I think we all know the answer to that, but I anxiously await the corporately sanitized, politically correct response. I hope it includes the word “phallogocentric”.

(Holy shit! In the five minutes it took me to cut/paste this post, the thread grew to five pages. Go Go phallogocentric thread!!)

Archive: Furl of WoW Forum thread, page 1 and Flickr screenshot of same.

Hotfix, Another

There’s some sound fix available through the World of Warcraft launcher, I guess: “Tools Hotfix 12/12/06”. There’s a link in that thread for the manual fix, which may or may not help with post-patch framerate issues. I haven’t played Warcraft with sound enabled since December 2004, although I did run the Burning Crusade with sound for a few days until that damn cello music in the Blood Elf noob areas drove me to drink. I actually think the sound in Warcraft is done quite well, but enough already.

PVP Grind #2, This Time with Less Ego

So I’m kinda getting back into the World of Warcraft PVP game. My rogue did the PVP grind under the old (heh, a week ago old) system and scored the black horse. Then they changed the mount system, and since I had deleveled from Commander of the Alliance, I had to do a mini-PVP grind to buy the black cat and dark gray ram. Anyways, been there, done that (twice).

As the new PVP system has had some reasonably priced rewards (nerf senses tingling), I figured I’d work on PVP with my priest alt. Holy priest, thankyouverymuch. (oh look, I was right!)

When I was rogue-PVPing, there was one thing in the battlegrounds more exciting than seeing a warlock pet … and that was seeing a KillMe stick. I’d be stealthing around wherever, looking for trouble, and out of the corner of my eye I’d see the bright yellow twinkles of a Benediction and woooo boy, I’m having priest for dinner tonight! If there was a warrior hanging out, I’d wait maybe 30 seconds for the warrior to get distracted by … I don’t know, an ice cream truck, an XBox commercial, it really doesn’t take much to distract a warrior … and then it was just the priest and me and an honor kill on the horizon.

That was my leet rogue strat for dealing with warriors … don’t mess with them if I didn’t have to. Here was my leet rogue strat for Thunderfury warriors … never leave stealth. Seriously. Too many bad experiences with that damn Thunderfury — I developed something of a phobia.

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