The Blood Elf Diet

I enjoyed this World of Warcraft forum thread, “Female Blood Elf Sicken Me” — not because of the predictable accusations made about the original poster in the earlier responses, but because it veers off into some rather entertaining anti-Americanism on page 4 and beyond. There are so many things on which we Americans could be harshly judged, Cheez Whiz is the least of our sins.

11 thoughts on “The Blood Elf Diet

  1. I’d say England’s greatest sin is Big Brother and the fact that… IT’S STILL GOING! oh gods, i want it to die

  2. Interesting discussion, though it ventured into stupidity (of course). I have my opinions on the Blood Elves’ appearance, but I won’t sully your blog with it. 😛

  3. People are arguing over how much a typical member of a FICTITIOUS FANTASY RACE IN A VIDEO GAME should weigh?

  4. I think I’ve found the cause of the half-missing replies… no more less than threes for me…

    Buxom ftw.
    Judgement + female belfadin = the hotz (see certain loading screen)
    Judgement + anything = the hotz.

    Apologies for spam.

  5. I read the first two pages and thought it was fairly hilarious, without needing the anti-Americanism.

    People (mostly women) will always find something to bitch about female depictions in gaming. If the characters are fat, the guy is a mysoginist for making fat chars, and nobody wants to play them because people like to identify with their chars, and most women, despite what they say, don’t want ugly toons, they want “sexy” ones. If the toon is skinny, they’ll bitch about that and pretend it’s unrealistic (never mind that clothing stores, real life and magazines have plenty of rather skinny women all over the place). The only way to stop the bitching is to just hack female toons altogether, but then there would be bitching about that too.

    I personally thought the night elves looked retarded (since when are elves supposed to be tall?) and that the Blood Elves look extremely out of place on the Horde side (I play Horde, they keep infesting our major cities, it’s especially strange in Undercity). What Blizzard really should have done is just made Undead look better, and instead of Night Elves had Blood Elves on the Alliance side. But there’s a huge imbalance since apparently 85% of the WoW population was Alliance, so they gave Horde Blood Elves to try and balance that out. Seriously Blizzard, all you had to do was make undead females “hot” and it woulda worked…oh well.

  6. “People (mostly women) will always find something to bitch about female depictions in gaming.”

    lolz at the stereotype, given that the known-females responding in this thread seem to find the whole thing amusing. *grin* But then, it would be a little strange for men to complain about female depictions (although I’ve seen it happen), or for women to complain about male depictions (although I’ve seen both men and women complain about the overly-bulky male toons in WoW). So the stereotype itself is rather facetious.

    I personally liked the theory I read that blood elves are essentially magic addicts, so giving them the scrawny underfed addict look is appropriate. I’m going with that one; it appeals to the writer in me.

  7. Sorry to resurrect an old thread, I have just found AFKGamer and think fotonrulesftwwootwoot… anyway been reading through all the posts since WoW released and got here today.

    Correction time for

    gablaxian said on February 6th, 2007 8:32 am

    I’d say England’s greatest sin is Big Brother and the fact that … IT’S STILL GOING! oh gods, i want it to die

    Actually we Brits did not invent Big Brother, it was probably Holland (maybe South Africa) I believe.

    However, I totally agree with you: WTF IS IT STILL GOING???? ARGGHHHHHH

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