7 thoughts on “Where in the WoW?

  1. I would guess one of the abandoned watchtowers in dustwallow marsh, no idea specifically but probably one further away from Theramore if there’s no guards?

  2. It wasn’t until recently – having to travel to Karazhan from Darkshire that I even noticed this. And that’s after playing on and off for two years now. Has it always been there?

  3. Yeah, that’s gotta be the least performed Horde quest that there is. Kill a bunch of stuff in Swamp of Sorrows then traipse all the way to Desolace and then come back. For not incredibly exciting rewards. LOL.

  4. Correct. (/curses) Beggar’s Haunt, far eastern end of Duskwood, on the way to Karazhan for those who have to run ahead and do the summons for the rest of their raid groups.

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