4 thoughts on “Where?

  1. Damn got beaten to it

    Thats right by all the vendors, repair guy, etc.

  2. Yup, Caverns of Time for the WoWzer shot.

    The LOTRO shot is of Celondim, elven refuge in Ered Luin. Boy, I can hardly wait til they hop on their boat headed west. Gonna take a few years though until we can stand on shore, waving wistfully to their departing ships. Cya Elrond, and Elrond’s long-time companion whose name I don’t know. Thanks for stoppin.

  3. I like the lotro art, just because a more striking, colorful art would feel too cartoony for the setting, at least to me. Cartoony is appropriate for warcraft, but not for lotro.

    I’ve gotten so hooked on lotro. *sigh*

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