Meeting New Game Friends

I am making friends FAST in Lord of the Rings Online:

Making Friends Already

Admittedly, my new friend has anger issues, but who doesn’t?

(I had range-pulled a trash mob — one of DOZENS available — while my new burglar friend was still setting up his stealth and opening moves.)

From the World of Warcraft forums, I spotted this soon-to-be-deleted thread (and it was):

WoW Forums - I am not Orig Owner (redacted)

(click for full-size redacted image)

I just wanted to let the realm know that i am not the original owner of this account. as many of you know the original owner of this character died a few months back several days after he was hit by a drunk driver. i am one of his brothers friends and the account was recently given to me. i do not know the he had on this server but i wanted to let the server know that its not him playing.


Doesn’t it seem like the first thing a deceased gamer’s family does is sell off his/her game accounts? So many (reportedly) dead gamers over the years — without fail, their accounts are up on the auction block almost immediately, sometimes within days of the death.

Damn disrespectful if you ask me.

7 thoughts on “Meeting New Game Friends

  1. Heh. Reminds me of a ‘conversation’ I had this very morning. I get to a tin node at the same moment as someone else. They hadn’t been fighting a guarding monster or anything (in which case I would have done my usual thing of leaving it to them); we just had a coincidence of timing. So naturally I dug in, figuring hey, whichever of us happens to dig it up faster is a lucky person. They immediately say, “haha, thief”. To which I replied simply, “we got here at the same time.”

    By their own logic, I had as much right to that node as they did, seeing as we arrived at the same time. But I guess since they’d decided it belonged to them, I was a thief. The shame. I’ll never live it down. *sniff*

  2. People always come up with crazy stories to explain account sharing/selling.

    Even better when they want to change their name – the amount of cancer-struck cats/sisters/grandmothers/other relatives of a WoW player is apparently enormous.

  3. Give him credit though, he knew that ‘i am his brother’ would be clichéd and obvious, so he’s worked out the much cleverer ‘i am his brothers friend’, which reeks of honesty.

  4. I don’t mind too much with the ninjaing of nodes/herbs/chests/quest items so long as I wasn’t fighting my way to them… and then said thief /w’s me asking for help on the quest. HAH!

  5. There is always retarded people like this, I was clearing near the fortress in Nagrand for a quest to pick up boxes of er can’t remember for some ogre on my alt shadowpriest. I cleared an entire 2 buildings (cos they attack you through the wall gg bliz) and about 5 others and there were 2 left before I could grab 4-5 boxes to complete the quest, some rtard comes running up and attacks the two remaining mobs, and declares that the quest items were his because he cleared it.

    One of those quests where you should really be a rogue to cut out 90% of the mob clearing and just get to the parts you wanna do 😛

  6. I was farming Thorium in Un’Goro one day and stopped at a Rich Thorium Vein just as another farmer arrived. He TOOK TURNS with me farming the vein.

    We never spoke, but I was so dumbstruck at this show of good will I added him to my friends list. I still see him pop up from time to time. Maybe someday I’ll have the chance to do something really nice for him and ask him if he remembers.

  7. People always come up with crazy stories to explain account sharing/selling

    Heh well my account info would not match my identity at the moment because when I got in on the trial about 16 months or so ago I figured I would just create a new name and the like when the trial ended. I instead ended up buying the game on the third or fourth day of the trial so I am eternally known to Blizzard as Joe Smith.

    And yes I could have deleted and started over but I have this aversion to deleting my first character in any MMO, and that first toon is now a lil 70 running around Outlands .

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