
A recent project of mine in Lord of the Rings Online was investigating hunters, hobbits and noob life in The Shire.

Really, I just wanted an alt with my porn name.

Brott Sexyback

So ladies, if you’re looking for a hobbit who really knows how to party, you know who to /tell.

(Anyone else surprised that LOTRO hasn’t filtered S-E-X from naming? I was. FOOLS!)

A Bi-Curious Double Life

I was checking on 60 Minutes‘ schedule yesterday to see if it was a rerun or good (rerun), and I stumbled upon CBS News’ archive of real! life! murder mysteries, which I love because I’m quite an accomplished armchair detective, if I must say so myself. I was well on my way to solving this murder, Love and Lies, when I got to Page 5 and the story got a whole lot crazier. I won’t spoil it for you, go read. Come back in a few minutes and share a WTF moment with me.