
Cuppycake of Cuppytalk showed us Herspace and wants to see other blogger’s Gamespace.

Myspace, carefully annotated and cleverly anonymized because I didn’t cheat and vacuum right before the photo:

Foton Gamespace Annotated

What you don’t see: the aforementioned unvacuumed floor, 15 stacks of books and 4 stacks of CDs, 2 bags of camera equipment and the dog sprawled on the floor licking the subwoofer. (WHY? WHY?)

The Rich, The Noobs, and The Ego

A humorous game mail I received recently in Lord of the Rings Online:

Not My Fault That I'm Game-Poor

I could be misreading this but that sounds like a call to REVOLUTION! Hang the rich.

Here’s a screenshot from a recent, wretched Fornost PUGgie to whack the hilt mobs. As gaming vets, it’s always our responsibility to get the new-to-gaming noobs up to speed on how all this works. I realize that, I accept that, but after giving my short-speech about the do’s and don’ts of crowd control to the same 5 people again and again, I get a little irritated.

Crowd Control is for Noobs

They never did get it, but fortunately for me, we one-shot the last hilt mob — a BAMF nemesis mob — and thank you, Jesus, I never have to go to that pisspool again.

If you’re thirsty for more arrogance and Napoleon-esque posturing, Psycho E-Bitch’s Fraxx was granted an IM audience with me last week to chat about gaming, books and cyber music: A Visit with AFKGamer’s Blogging Bad Boy.

Some highlights: the “Mithaniel Marr story”, the rest of you suck, the liberal manifestos I’m reading, and, gaming’s last dirty little secret.