Ho’s, Queens and Homeys from the Ghet-Toe

Gaming message boards are, almost without exception, a complete waste of time.  You might find a nugget of useful information there, but you’ll have to wade through complaints, false accusations and incomprehensible l337 d3wd sp34k and chest thumping to find anything worthwhile.  As far as I’ve been able to tell, message board communities are for mocking other players and wasting (what would otherwise be) productive work or school hours.

It’s been my observation that over 90 percent of posters can be categorized into one of the following profiles:

The Attention Ho – Look at me!  Look what I’m doing now!  Respond to my thread! Definintely, the most prolific posters around — every minor victory, every inconsequential slight and every excrutiating minutae of their virtual and real lives is documented in great detail.  (The attention ho will also usually dabble in incredibly bad roleplay fan fiction.)  JFC, wipe the cheeto dust off your fingers and realize that no one gives a fuck what you’re doing.

The Drama Queen – O M G, I’m quitting the game!  O M G, Soandso stole my noob mob!  O M G, you will NOT believe how mean PowerGamer04 was to me!  O M G stfu!  Not only am I not surprised that you’re the game’s whipping boy, I wish that I had been the one doing the whipping.  And btw, fucking quit already — I just know you’re going to return to the boards FOR MONTHS to annoy us all.

The Moral Barometer – These types chime in on every single thread involving any sort of game dispute, no matter how minor, with their self-important judgmental bullshit.  Get a clue Judge Judy, only the ho’s and queens bring their disputes to message boards.  Everyone else, and this is SHOCKING, settles their disputes in private rather than parade them on the internet.

Post Count Ho – This buttmuncher is just farming post count totals, because that statistic alone proves how super popular they are (on the internet).  They bump all the ho’s and queens’ threads, they bump every single auction of in-game items … no matter how STUPID the auction is … they bump all their guildmates’ threads (*bump* for my homey in the guild!), and some will resort to necro-bumping (resurrecting old, ancient threads) just to enhance their leet post count.  FYI, dumass, *bump* is not content and post counts don’t translate to dick size.

The Ghet-TOE Banger – Their board shit is peppered with alot of lingo, PROVING that they are not an internet nerd, but rather an incredibly cool person IRL that just stumbled onto the message board.  (ya, right)  They do a lot of posturing about their posses, their biatches, yo yo, werd bro, runnin wit da guildies to fuck shit up.  Get over yourself, yo!

The best way to deal with all these assclowns is to just stay away from gaming message boards.  Sure, it’s tempting to open Pandora’s Box just a tiny bit and peek inside, but once you do, you’ll want to rip your eyeballs out and stomp on them.  And trust me on this, you won’t find any useful information there, so just google what you seek far, far away.

Even 23,980,590 pop-up ads are better than that shit.

Stop Wasting My Bandwidth

Ya, this is just the sort of winky dinky roleplaying crap I want to waste my time reading.

I’m looking for game INFORMATION, maybe a juicy flame or twenty, not Barney the Purple Dinosaur “I found my love on the Internet, imagine that!” bullshit.

Put a warning on that crap if you’re going to post it.

SWOYT — shameless waste of your time.


Acronyms are a curious by-product of internet life.  Like all inventions, they grew from a need — in this case, a need to communicate faster and with less keystrokes than typing allows.  The generic acronyms are well known:  lol, lmao, lmfao (the highest form of laughter, almost requiring surgery to attach your fucking ass back on), brb, etc.

Online gaming created its own set of acronyms.  We needed standard acronyms to communicate quickly when a_ghoul_bat_lord01 was beating our virtual ass down, as opposed to needing acronyms for “what’s your a/s/l, ChickWithADick?”. 

With the advent of gaming voice systems, the wonderful world of gaming acronyms is in danger of becoming extinct.  Thanks to Team Speak, there are even some noobs in my SWG guild that don’t even KNOW some of the standard gaming acronyms — it’s hell on a PVP raid when the Team Speak server goes whacky and we have to actually *GASP* type.

Frankly, if you don’t know what inc, mezz, rezz, wtb, wts, wta, lfg or exp is, I don’t have time to explain it to you.  And I don’t want you in my group either, noob.  I can write up a short list of the more “evolved” acronyms, however.  Most of these are indigenous to advanced End Game-type gaming … although quite a few were created by my buds and me to entertain ourselves, they had the added bonus of pissing off GWH.  (Guildleaders we hate)

MT/MA/SA – Main Tank, Main Assist, Secondary Assist.  duh.

MC – Main Cleric – in charge of leading the complete heal chain, also the guy to yell at, with cursing acronyms, if the raid fails.

RL – Raid Leader – the guy to yell at about the choice of targets for the evening’s raid.  Also could mean Real Life … important to know the context of the RL use.

w/e – whatever – usually used to respond to an insult you receive.  u r a mfjb.  w/e.  (a better comeback to an insult, my current favorite … wfe.)

Which leads into a whole other category of acronyms, the cursing ones, the insult ones, acronyms to flame with:

WTH/WTF – What the hell!  and What the F-bomb!  Pretty much any acronym with an F, is an F-bomb.  Apply liberally, it’s more fun that way.

OMFG – The more “mature” way to say Oh My God!  Mature as in, I’ve seen an R movie, I know that everyone talks this way.

STFU – Shut the F up.  The Classic, usually the opener for any flame war.

ffs – For fuck’s sake.  We once had an entire raid where we used ffs in every sentence.  O those were the days!  ffs, we done yet?  where’s the f’ing clerics, ffs?  ffs, who’s in charge?  ffs, we need more lewt!  ffs, inc yet?  ffs, inc.

bft – ‘Bout fucking time (you showed up in the zone, we’ve been waiting 4fe)

4fe – for-fucking-ever aka a really long time, you asshat.

CSW/CSH – c**k-sucking whore or, if you like to think you’re more ghet-toe, use c**k-sucking ho.  Also can be used to mean crack-smoking whore/ho, and, recently, CSD has come into some popularity.  (crack-smoking developer)

MF(insert your own noun) – anything with MF obviously refers to the Big One, the Bomb above all F-bombs, Mother-F’er/ing.  Examples:  MFC (don’t ask), MFP (don’t ask), MFAH (asshole).

IFHVT – I f’ing hate Vex Thal, invented during an EQ Vex Thal raid, jfc, do I have to explain everything?!?!

jfc – Jesus (f-bomb) Christ!  Another exclamation of dismay, this one with a little more punch.

OMRFS – Our monk really f’ing sucks.  Again, Vex Thal, duh!  (no, he never did figure it out.)

When it comes to gaming acronyms, the potential to be creative AND to annoy others around you is endless.  A little side benefit, you cannot be banned for using acronyms.  After all, you could have been saying What the Fizzle.

P.S.  A4TW = Acronyms For The Win, noob.