A Change in the Alterac Valley Winds

The proposed changes to Alterac Valley were posted this afternoon on ye olde World of Warcraft forums.

We all love background flavor, but let’s get down to it. Nethaera said (clipped by me at will):

Each team will have a starting reinforcement count. Reinforcements can be lost in significant amounts if a tower is destroyed or if Captain Galvangar or Belinda Stonehearth is killed. For each team member death, an additional reinforcement will be lost. On the death of General Dre’Thar or Vanndar Stormpike, all reinforcements are lost and the team is defeated. At any point in time, if a team is reduced to zero reinforcements, the opposing team will win the battle. Defending your own teammates, towers, and key NPCs will be an important aspect of maintaining team resources and achieving victory in Alterac Valley.

I think I like … go on …

Warlords and their general will be more closely linked in the next patch. Pulling one is a guarantee the other will come as well. Each team begins with four Warmasters. Destroying a tower will eliminate the associated Warmaster. Unlike the current game play, however, destroying the enemy tower will not add a Warmaster to your own side.

That sounds like code for “we think we fixed that Vann bullshit.”

Where it currently takes five minutes to gain control (of a tower), the time will be reduced to four minutes. The honor for capturing a tower will also be increased.

I like, I like.

Currently, players can sometimes be sent (upon death) to their starting tunnels … players will instead respawn at a team-controlled graveyard. Should the team not have a graveyard under their control, they will respawn in the starting tunnel.

I’m on the fence about that, but ok.

Players will only be awarded bonus honor during the battle for destroying enemy towers and slaying the enemy Captain. Once the battle is concluded, bonus honor will be awarded for intact towers, a surviving Captain, and for victory in battle. The bonus honor awarded should be similar to previous totals …

And I become suspicious. I’ll bet my idea of similar totals isn’t going to be the new reality.

Lastly, we are changing NPC interactions within Alterac Valley. We have reduced the number of elite NPCs in Stormpike and Frostwolf holds as well as sent all Commanders and Lieutenants out of Alterac Valley.

Sounds interesting at least. Sometimes I pine for the old AV days of 6 hour battles and the Forest Lord and Death from Above or the epic squirmishes on the Field of Strife, but then I remember that hardly anyone had time for a 6 hour (or longer) AV, including me — boy, that honor sure was sweet.

Rags and a Rusty Dagger = Overpowered

Dunnnnn duh DUN DUN.

From the World of Warcraft happy joy joy forums re: a BlizzCon press conference, what do you suppose this means?

Q. Are drop rates from high end content too low, so much so that it’s not worth it to defeat the bosses?

A: Rob Pardo – The problem isn’t raid drops, it’s drops in other areas of the game. It wasn’t that not enough loot was dropping, it was that we were giving out loot in other areas that was too good. This PvP and Arena award iteration is our first pass, so we’ll be looking at that. We’ll continue to look at the balance between PvP and Arena loot and raid loot before the expansion.

Right now, there’s really not much PVP or Arena gear for me, but some day … who knows? I can’t keep up with you kids forever. Eventually I’ll have to slow down, get dropped from every decent raid guild on my server and accept the label C A S U A L. After that shame, must I run around World of Warcraft in rags with a rusty dagger too?!?!?!