Now We Hate Patch 1.10

And I had such high hopes for World of Warcraft’s Patch 1.10, the Patch that Would Save the Game!

Didn’t take long — a few days after the test realm players had time to get their hands dirty, just about everyone is pissed about something.

New Non-raider Epics. This is the gear that was added on the fly to Patch 1.10 to quell the rising shitstorm. (I’m guessing about that “on the fly”, the shitstorm is not a guess.)

What People Hate: New (even) lower raid limits on the Tier 0 Instances — those are your Scholo, the Strath twins, Blackrock Depths (BRD) and the two Blackrock Spires (UpperBRS/LowerBRS) areas. BRS limited to 10-man, all the others will be 5-man.

Translation: This time when you run these dungeons over and over again for your Tier 0 gear, you’re REALLY going to want a solid tank and healer.

The revamped Tier Crap instances will have new bosses, better drop rates and improved loot. Which is good, because you must have your Tier 0 set to turn in for the new epic set. You vendored it? Disenchanted maybe? Oh. Bummer.

(Seriously, just start raiding Molten Core, Blackwing Lair and Ahn’Queer. Life will be so much easier for you then.)

Here’s more from authorized Blizzard posters on the Dungeon changes: 90-minute runs, start re-farming Dungeon 1 pieces, dungeon sets are class specific.

What Foton Hates: Nothing. I’m in a raid guild so I dodged that bullet. Funny how that works out, huh? Being serious though, I’ve stopped asking, “WHY?? WHY??”, when it comes to design decisions. There often is no why.

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I’m going to mock discuss Warcraft’s Patch 1.10 today, so while I work on that, you can go check out the new CTProfiles, brought to you by the makers of CTRaid, the raiding mod of champions. Yes! It’s like Magelo for Warcraft — track your current gear, dream gear, your test gear, talents, etc. We need one profiler to rule them all, not 45 profilers spread all over the web. I’m hoping this is it cuz I’m tired of looking for The One.