Improve Your Identity

I ran across a Warcraft mod that I hadn’t heard of before: flagRSP, an addon for additional naming options for your characters (surnames, titles) and an enhanced friends list. The naming options are visible to anyone else running the same mod. I don’t really understand why surnames and titles are so popular in online gaming, I just know they are, and while I don’t like to run a lot of mods (bloat and all that), I would like my own title: Lord of the Idiots. Briefly, I toyed with the idea of making an alt Oneeye, King of the Blind, but LotI could apply to any of my current characters. (home page for flagRSP, home page for successor mod WARS, mod found in this WoW forum thread authored by newly ordained minister, Federov. It’s a long-ish story.)

Chuck Norris Fact Generator

Do you want to irritate all your Warcraft guildmates? (Why should today be any different?) You can take your guild chat spamming to new depths with the Chuck Norris Fact Generator by edeloa, available in the Curse Gaming WoW Addon Database. Use with caution if Chuck is your guildleader — you’ll be /gkicked before you can even install the mod.