Grumpy Hates His Factory (11-11-03)

There are few things that Grumpy hates as much as his structure factory. At the moment, Grumpy is hard pressed to think of ANYTHING he hates as much as his factory. The only thing that will encourage Grumpy to load up his factory is the promise of a fat profit margin. (yo dawg, not phat) Needless to say, as an architect, this doesn’t happen very often.

Grumpy’s gf/business partner doesn’t hate her factory. She is constantly hauling fresh crates of yummy profitability out of it. He thinks she would skip over to her factory if skipping was allowed in SWG.

Grumpy has to have his factory over on NABOO because trying to find a convenient spot to place a structure factory near Coronet is harder to do than finding a CSR online. Once, he thought he had found a good spot near Coronet for his factory, but there was a pebble on the ground and he couldn’t build there. Apparently that single pebble would have toppled his factory and set off a nuclear explosion that could have destroyed all of Corellia.

Some days, he is tempted to let his factory fall into disrepair to the point where it would start burning. Seeing his factory burn would give Grumpy an unnatural amount of pleasure.

Grumpy likes to calculate how much he could mine if only his factory didn’t take up 2 lots. Even on a crappy field, he could pull in at least 5k of units from that extra lot. E V E R Y day. If his factory only used 1 lot, maybe those pebbles wouldn’t be such an issue either. Maybe he would skip over to his factory too.

Normally, Grumpy likes to get You have new mail in his chat box. That means one of his vendors has scored! When his factory is running, he shudders to see new mail. Rarely is it good news. Usually it’s “Your factory has critically failed destroying all the loaded resources even though it was only using 1 unit. And as an added ‘feature’, your factory has destroyed all the resources in your workshop. Have a nice day, Love, Your factory”. Grumpy wishes he could reply to these emails, directly to his factory, “How bout you BLEEP off? Love and kisses, Grumpy”.

When his factory emails him, he has to drop whatever he is doing to go visit it. And beg it to work again and to please finish the job he had loaded inside. And if it could please get the job done sometime before the next month arrives, that would be real helpful.

Grumpy thinks his factory must put off alot of heat. There is always a gang of red and angry mobs gathered around it, milling about, awaiting his arrival. It is possible that Grumpy’s factory is setting him up for an assassination. Grumpy wishes he could just clone first, to save himself the trouble of running out to his factory 2, 3 or 4 times.

One time, Grumpy’s gf/business partner suggested that Grumpy should have made ore mining components in his factory so they would be crated and easier to store. He explained that he *had* made them in the factory. She chastized him for taking them out of the crates. Grumpy wanted to throw a pencil at her, but that might put her eye out. Every architect knows that ore mining units don’t crate in a factory. She’s obviously not listening to him during that “together time” thing she so enjoys.

Grumpy figures his factory must be lonely. Besides the dozens of emails it sends to him, begging for a personal visit, it needs alot of babysitting to work. Grumpy thinks his factory should be able to pull structural modules out of crates on its own. The factory disagrees. Maybe the factory is scared that it might topple on a pebble if it has to actually pull modules out of crates instead of having Grumpy do it.

If there were pebbles for sale on the bazaar, Grumpy would buy a crate of them, load them up in his factory and watch it BURN!!!!!!!!!!!! He might even pull out a fiddle and play along.

The Grumpy Master Architect ©