Fun with AE fear

Sometimes raids just don’t go your way. Be it stealth afk’s, the stars misaligned, stupidity, or Blizzard (probably the biggest reason), you wind up wiping. I have noticed that regardless of how bad things are some people just refuse to die. They will do anything in their power to make sure they kill whoever just got divine intervention and to delay your attempted CR. Thankfully, I have the ability in certain encounters to ensure said wipe happens in a timely manner.

Onyxia is angry and decides to deep breath us:


I escape unscathed. However 3/4th’s of the raid does not and it’s apparent a wipe is incoming. The few remaining decide they can each solo Onyxia the rest of the way and just will not die. I decide to help them to the graveyard. After a quick trip through the entire whelp cave I stop nearby and AE fear just for kicks.

Onyxia has now dinged to level 73.

whelp 2

After deciding we hadn’t wiped enough that day, we venture into the zone of way too many trash mobs, Zul’Gurub. High Priestess Arlokk invited us down for tea and we happily obliged. Much to our chagrin there was no tea, only a very angry panther.

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Needless to say things didn’t go very well and I decided that I wanted to be the last to die. The wait wasn’t long and a few moments later I was off to the graveyard with a royal sendoff.

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Now that’s a lotta pussy.

2 thoughts on “Fun with AE fear

  1. Sometimes things just don’t go your way in game. Molten Core and Onyxia (usually) are far easier than doing ZG with 13 people.

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