WoW Players Review EQII

From the Warcraft whorums, WoW Players Flee to EQII. My take from reading a few of those mini-reviews, there’s some strong opinions on EQII. I never gave EQII much of a chance, other than a brief run around the island trial for a few days, so I won’t instigate a WoW vs. EQII argument (just yet), but I will say this much: that trial blew hard. Two words: rogue sneak. Whoever did the animation for rogue sneak is having a good laugh right now. (Think: waddling around as if one was wearing a loaded diaper.) Is there an improved sneak where rogues won’t waddle? I have no idea, but five levels of that was five too many for me. (As with all Warcraft forum links, the thread will expire and disappear into the Internet Trash Bin. READ IT NOW.)

6 thoughts on “WoW Players Review EQII

  1. They fixed rogue sneak. You move fast–heck, everyone moves at perma-sprint speed now.

    EQ2 isn’t the same game that launched in November 2004, while WoW (arguably) hasn’t changed significantly. SOE has shown they’re willing to rip out and monkey with mechanics, and in the case of EQ2, they made it a much more appealing game.

  2. Someone should let me know when EQII considers itself fixed and ready to party. I’d probably give it another go, but there’s only so many times I give out “second” chances.

  3. EQII has come on leaps and bounds since I started as early back as July 05. Constant updates, tweaks etc. but nothing that’s put the game back, only moved it forward. It also seems to be a more mature community, and if not mature, certainly friendly.

  4. EQII had to get a strong and fast fix because until august it simply was not in the same league as wow.
    To be honest in my mind it still isn’t. The game just doesnt feel right (and yes i had a subscription i still do today actually). It started out broken, and while SoE was willing to make changes, some of the common problems (like the way the game runs on mid-end PCs) are still around.

  5. Please, WoW players, Keep playing WoW. Do not play EQ2. We got a good thing going and we dont want all the 12 year olds comming over.

  6. EQ2 isn’t in the same league as WoW, it is way ahead of it in many ways except for accounts registered. Although, I don’t think that is a bad thing. It keeps the rifraf away.

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