Save Us, Patch 1.10

I found some more good news about Warcraft’s “The Patch that Will Save Us All”, more commonly known as Patch 1.10. The good news starts here, when forum poster Anasa of Shadow Moon asked about why bag/inventory space has to be so goddamn tight in this game. She put it nicer:

Is anyone else sick of all the junk we have to carry around for various reasons? Holiday content (perfume, love tokens, the stuff you gotta combine 5 of, the candy…), Argent Dawn Commission, Vitreous Focuser, cauldron items, 3 types of scourgestones, Twilight cloth items, Encrypted Text, crests, medallions, signets, bijous, coins, “epic” zg quest items, AQ artifacts, multiple sets of gear for different activities (ugh priests), too many trinkets to use, crafting materials… it never friggin ends!

A-frickin-men. Drysc, corrupted tree avatar of Blizzard, responded, and let me say, I’m surprised they allow Drysc internet access from the sanitarium:

The limitations of bag space are intended and make it a necessity to choose what you want to keep. This may be the inane ramblings of a depraved mind, but I find it fun managing bag space. I treat it as a sort of mini-game, arranging items by category, making tough decisions on what to do with specific items. That is my personal outlook; I don’t know if anyone else feels the same way.

That said …

With the 1.10 patch two new craftable bag types will be available specifically for holding items related to either herbalism or enchanting. Tailors will be able to try their hand at crafting these new bags as the recipes will be found throughout the world. These new specialty bags will function similar to how a normal bag would, but with the restriction of holding only herbs or enchanting supplies. The recipes will be made available for crafting these bags in various sizes, the high end of each type being 24 slots.

That’s good news (sorta, for herbalists and enchanters) and further evidence that 1.10 is The Patch that Will Save Us All. But really, why must there always be barriers in this damn game?

Here’s Fun. Here’s all the goddamn barriers that they erect in the name of slowing me down until the expansion is ready. Here’s me.

Why do I have to use a pre-raid checklist to make sure I’m adequately prepared? (That’s rhetorical.) Poisons (or Reagents whathaveyou), Equipment repaired, Resist equipment repaired, Keys, Bandages, Potions, Open bagspace in case I score some uber, How much uber might I score and do I have bagspace for best case scenario? I do check before I log the night prior, but I doublecheck before flying out of Ironforge because my guild will mock you ALL NIGHT if you forget supplies, as well they should.

No shit, I would buy the expansion for this one feature alone: Vastly expanded bag/inventory/bank space.

And no, managing bag space is NOT FUN. WTF.

6 thoughts on “Save Us, Patch 1.10

  1. This may be the inane ramblings of a depraved mind, but I find it fun managing bag space.

    I don’t call that fun, I call that Bejeweled that you pay $15/month to play.

  2. If you’re a pack rat that has trouble throwing things away, managing inventory is stressful, not fun, stressful. I think I’ve been holding onto the same damn mechanical yeti since February of last year. Those 10 rough grinding stones? Just let them go buddy, you haven’t made a pearl handled dagger in over a year.

  3. You speak truth. I can’t remember the last time my inventory was better than 70/80, and that’s using an AH mule, enchanting mule, leatherworking mule, mules holding crap I’ve forgotten about, and leaving about 20 items in my mail at all times. When I’m on my herbing rounds it’s typically bag space that makes me quit (wtb mailbox in Un’Goro) unless I’ve taken it seriously and mailed all my raiding consumables to an alt.

    And I know some classes/professions have it worse. I would kill myself if I were a Warlock.

  4. I was a Warlock and I indeed killed myself and found another MMO to spend my time in. I suppose 1.10 was too late to save me.

  5. This is Blizzard, remember? Look at Diablo, where the inventory was not only finite, but the items had dimensions as well (1×1 slot, 2×1, 3×2, etc). And just to make the ‘game’ of inventory arrangement even more fun, there was no ‘Autoarrange’ option, so you had to move that shit around by hand to make it all fit best.

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