Innervate Please

Good news, Warcraft Druids. Innervate, the highly desired druid talent to infuse raid priests with hyper mana regeneration, will be moved to a base ability, available at level 40. Eyonix, Blizzard’s flying whelp, posted that Patch 1.11 will include the change to innervate as well as a new 31-point talent. Nightshroud of the Alleria realm, new enemy of raid priests everywhere, posted: “Excellent. More freedom for Druids to spec how they please and not how the Priests please.” (Because we all know that priests get to spec however they please. Even I know that’s not true.) Here’s a fun trick to play on your guild priests, by the way. Ask them at the next raid how come they’re not shadow spec’d, you heard that spec was wtfpwnage. You should get quite a rise out of them. (Furl archive of Patch 1.11 Innervate announcement)

13 thoughts on “Innervate Please

  1. Didn’t ask for it.
    Don’t want it.
    Don’t think it will be good for the class.

  2. I’m curious why you think that. My guild druids were pretty happy about this change, although they could have been faking.

  3. Not good for the class? dubya tee eff?

    This will be great for our raid, now our 2 feral druids can Innervate the priests too, so I can use my own for moonfire spamming! SCORE!

  4. The big problems with the druid class will not be solved by giving everyone innervate.

    The end-game guilds that required a resto specc are just going to change one word in their recruitment thread to read Swiftmend instead of Innervate.

    No one is suddenly going to decide to level up a druid now that we get an extra spell, so we will still be the least played class at 60 in the game.

    What it does do is create overpowered balance druids in PvP, and generate ill will in the playerbase for druids getting two ‘free’ 31pt talents. Making it much less likely that real issues like feral damage scaling and balance itemization will be addressed in the near future. It may let some resto druids change to a 25/0/26 build to become more mana efficient, but other than that it will not effect much.

    It is a short sighted buff with a huge opportunity cost that will come back around and hurt us in the long run.

    I will train it and I will use it, because flexability is what I like about druids, but I still think its a really bad idea.

  5. Are the full details on Swiftmend available? If I had to guess I would predict a big long cooldown on this ability. One along the lines of Rebirth.

  6. Meh, guilds that require a resto spec can keep on requiring it. For people who play to have fun, this means Feral druids can contribute that little bit extra. Reason to bring a catdruid over a rogue? Got another now: catdruid can do decent DPS, combat rez, emergency heal AND restore a dedicated healer’s mana.

    Don’t worry about PvP. The Mage and/or Shaman buffs will no doubt give one or both of those a new PvP trick that will cause much wailing and gnashing of teeth for the next few months. Noone fears oomkin druids now, they won’t fear ’em when they have Innervate available.

  7. My office-mate plays a druid and he has been going on and on about Innervate. Can Blizzard please take it back? 😛

  8. My office-mate plays a druid and he has been going on and on about Innervate. Can Blizzard please take it back?

    My office mate is a mage, and he’s been going on and on about innervate for an entirely different reason! Mages aren’t a happy bunch these days. If you got a couple of hours he can run down each and every talent, explaining in detail why they are all worthless.

  9. Yeah, if you play with assholes who have mandatory shard of feral druid gear policies, guess what, you’ll now have innervate for free and still be playing with assholes. Not really Blizzard’s fault, and this is a good thing for druids.

  10. And how about the Shaman changes? Can I get a big ‘W-T-F’ for deciding to take everything the alliance hates about shaman and buff it, then take everything the horde wishes shaman could do and ignore it?

    More whining by alliance getting wafflestomped with greater efficiency by shaman. More whining by horde because 1 paladin is still worth 3 shaman on a raid. Scratch that, no amount of shaman can do what 1 paly can on a raid. F’ing ez-moders. 😉

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